What was the name of the Farm at the beginning of the novel?
The manor farm
En la guerra
Who wrote "Animal farm"?
George Orwell
Vende su cabello
¿Qué celebración se esta llevando a cabo al inicio de Mujercitas?
¿Qué parte del cuerpo se lastima Meg en la fiesta?
El tobillo
Un piano
¿Dónde se conocen Jo y Laurie?
En una fiesta (en casa de los Gardiner)
Who was the oldest animal at the beginning of the novel?
Benjamin the donkey
How do the animal in Animal farm refer to one another?
What was the essential maxim (commandment) of animalism?
"Four legs good, two legs bad"
Sus padres
What was the color of the Animal farm flag?
According to the crow Moses, Where do animals go after they die?
Sugar Candy Mountain
¿A quién le lee Joe como parte de su trabajo?
a la tia March
How does their maxim change at the end of the book?
"Four legs good, two legs better."
Who were the first animal to rebel againts Napoleon?
The hens
¿Qué accidente sufre Amy cuando intenta reconciliarse con Joe?
Se cae en el hielo
¿Qué profesión tiene Meg?
¿Dónde nació Laurie?
Who are the two farmers with whom Animal farm made business?
Frederick and Pilkington
"No animal shall drink alcohol to excess"
What was the firts commandment broken by the pig?
Sleeping on beds
Which accident causes Boxer to stop working?
He falls whilst working on the windmill
What food and drink was exclusively kept for the pigs and their "Brainwork"?
Milk and apples
Where does Mollie (the mare) hides sugar and ribbons (since they were illegal)?
Under the straw of her stall.
Who was the first pig the animals saw walking in two legs?
¿Cómo castiga el profesor a Amy por haber traido limas en contra del reglamento? (3)
- La para en medio del salón.
- La obliga a tirar sus limas.
- La golpea en la mano.
- Su piano a Meg
- Su pajaro a Amy
- Su muñeca vieja a Joe
How does Jones die?
In an inebriates' home in another part of the country