What is the main character's name
Billie Jo Kelby
Who made this book
Kate Dicamillo
How do you spell suppercalufalistkiskpelaedosush
None knows
what happened to ma's tree
the grasshopers ate them
what is my favorite color
light gray
How old is she
13 when the baby is her she will be about 14
This is a doable jeopardy
what is the waitress name at the restaurant
what never gose bad
what ate pa's whet
the grasshoppers
what is my favorite food
ice creme
What is pa making
a pond
How old is Abilene
she is 10
this is a double jeopardy
Who has the most money in the world
Bernard Arnault
what is pa making that makes her anshuse.
pa is digging a pond or his grave
how old is oliver
he is 16 mounths
What happened to ma
This is a doable jeopardy
she got burned with kerosene
Who is he given to
how old am i
12 going on 13
were was the rabbit stuck in
what is my moms name
Kyra Wirtz
Who made this book
Karen Hesse
what is the restaurants name
What is the contrast of red
double jeopardy
what happens to the rabbit when the mean lady gets him
he is made into a skarcrow and hung
how do you spell my last name