Who are the Principal and Assistant Principal at Battlefield Middle School?
Dr. Smith and Mrs. Adams
What time does school start in the morning?
8:00 a.m. Students can arrive as early as 7:40. After 8 you will be considered tardy.
True/False: 7th graders can take a language and earn a high school credit.
Name 3 sports that are offered to students at Battlefield Middle School
softball, soccer or track
What is Battlefield Middle School's Mascot?
You need this to leave your class during class time
Hall pass
What time is dismissal?
This is the training EVERY student has to complete if they want to play a sport.
Concussion Training
This is a website you used in 6th grade with your school counselor. It helps you discover your interests and possible careers you may want to do in the future.
What grades are at Battlefield Middle School?
6th, 7th, and 8th
True/False: You will have Math, English, Science and Civics every day.
True: This is a new change for this coming school year. You will have all of your core classes every day.
Where do you go to check your grades?
Name the classes you have to pass to play a sport
All classes
If you need help on assignments, who should you talk to FIRST?
The teacher of that class
How many teachers will you have per day in 7th grade?
6! We are switching to a 6/60 schedule.
How many class periods are there in a day?
What time does the school day end?
The school counselor for 7th graders
This is served EVERY day in the cafeteria
Classes that you get to choose are called?
How long is each class period?
60 minutes
This is something you review at the beginning of school.It has the school rules and expectations.
Code of Conduct
How often will 7th graders have PE/Health?
Every other day
Any appropriate answer will be accepted for points