Which Bay Area native has received 5 Grammys (including 2016s Best Rap Album of the Year) and the key to the city of Vallejo for their philanthropy work?
Fairyland, The Oakland Cathedral, and the Alameda County Superior Courthouse surround this Oakland lake.
Lake Merritt
This baseball player holds the record for most home runs ever hit in a season and for all time.
Barry Bonds
Heart of the ____
This Bay Area-based specialty coffee roaster and retailer, founded in Berkeley in 1966, has over 200 retail locations in 11 states
Peet's Coffee
"U can't touch this" bay area artist
MC Hammer
This park hosts Outside Lands, home to California Academy of Sciences, and the bison
Golden Gate Park
Name the film based on this Oakland baseball team and it's general manager, Billy Beane.
The Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk
In the Warm California Sun... Boardwalk!
This post-apocalyptic movie was partly filmed in Alameda debuted in 1999 where Neo was the "One"
The Matrix
What "movement" was founded in the Bay Area?
Hyphy Movement
Imagineers and animators collaborate in this iconic studio located in Emeryville.
PIXAR Animation Studios
This is the number of 49ers Superbowl wins
Bay to __
In 1977, the first of this store opened in Palo Alto, California and quickly became associated with warm, freshly baked cookies right out of the oven
Mrs. Fields cookies
This early 90's punkrock band started their career playing tiny venues such as Berkeley's Gilman Street Club. They play the part of 'American Idiots' but their success if well known.
Green Day
Name the iconic bay area hike with great views of Fremont, Milpitas and part of the South Bay. It's a popular location for Instagram worthy poses.
Mission Peak
Name this newly founded women's soccer team with a home base in Oakland
Oakland Soul
Strength in _____
This Skyline Highschool graduate and East Bay native sold peanuts and popcorn in the bleachers at A's games before going on to a moderately successful acting career.
Tom Hanks
This West Coast Rapper made Oakland his home and is rumored to be still alive.
This East Bay science center offers scenic views, is near many free-roaming "Bears" and often covered by rolling fog.
The Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley
This is the first arena in which the Warriors played in the Bay Area
Cow Palace
Shane Co
now you've got a friend in the diamond business
Name the ice cream company founded in 1928 in Oakland. They are credited with creating original flavors of toasted almond and candy mint.