Waste created by Treating and Packaging
Treated Dust
When this has been worn or contaminated it is placed in a 55 gallon drum with labeled pink placard
Contaminated PPE
Safety Generalist for all three cotton sites is...
Coltyn Pritchard
Earplugs and earmuffs are two examples of
Hearing Protection
Padlocks, Tags, Steering Wheel Covers and Multiple Hasp Locks are all examples of
Lockout Devices
Waste with properties that make it dangerous or capable of having harmful effect on human health or the environment
Hazardous Waste
Procedure where pesticide product in the form of a gas or vapor is used to control pests
Wood, paper, sawdust, seed dust, etc. that will ignite if in sustained contact with a strong ignition source are...
Liver disease contracted by several routes involving infected blood and body fluids
Hepatitis B
Powered Industrial Truck used to lift and move materials over short distances
The substances emitted into the atmosphere by human and natural activities
Air Emission
Analysis used to identify tasks on a job, potential hazards and control measures
Job Safety Analysis
The standardized global framework for learning and training programs at Bayer
Device removes specific air contaminants by passing ambient air through purifying element
Barrier used around moving parts of machinery/equipment to prevent coming in contact with moving parts that cause injury
Machine Guarding
EPA stands for...
Environmental Protection Agency
Procedure that specifies the requirements for handling an actual or potential emergency situation
Emergency Action and Response Plan
An appropriate tool used to test equipment for any radiation leakage during installation
Radiation Meter
Situation where too much heat is absorbed and causes stress, illness or even death
Heat Stress
Temporary elevated platform used to support workers and or materials
Air Pollution
A confined space that does not contain or have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death or physical harm
Non-Permit Confined Space
A person responsible for maintaining visual surveillance in the vicinity of the hot work, particularly focusing on areas not visible to the person performing the work.
Fire Watch
These systems minimize routine occupational exposures to hazards
Engineering Controls
Fall protection lifeline that lets you move easily while effectively preventing falls
Self Retracting Lifeline