What is the name for Purim this year in Jerusalem
פורים משולש
What are the 4 mitzvot of purim
מגילה, משלוח מנות, מתנות לאביונים , משתה
How many years have Nava and I been doing bayit cham
What year did Israel get the kotel back
How tall was the tree that haman was hanged on ?
50 amot
After seudah Ruven finished benching and realized forgott al-hanissim what should he do?
he doesn't repeat benching
What did we do in the first bayit cham this year
Picture game on the WhatsApp group
How many times is ירושלים mentioned in the megillah
what is the name of mordechais grandfather
What do we do each day of פורים משולש
Friday - מגילה מותנות לאביונים
Shabbat - על הניסים
Sunday - סעודה ומשלוח מנות
Where did charlie make aliyah from
As of three weeks ago ( before adding new stops ) what was the first and last stop on the lightrail
הר הרצל - חיל האביר
Over how many years does the megila take place
Why dont we say hallel on purim?
we read the megillah instead
What is Nava studying?
Graphic Design
Name the 4 gates to the old city
Jaffa Gate, Damascus Gate, Lions’ Gate, Zion Gate, Dung Gate, Herod’s Gate, New Gate
Name 15 characters from megillat ester
The shulchan aruch orach chayim ends with hilchot purim, what does the last siman discuss.
Purim katan ( יד + טו on a leap year)
Name all the mishpachot
Engelhart, Baumol, Cohen, Wolfe, Faraci, Davis
what was the first neighborhood build outside the walls of the old city?
משכנות שעננים