How many cell phone claims does the Shield Elite Checking account allow per year
2 claims per 12 month period
Tell me a saver story you have experienced using the Shield Elite account yourself
two people from the team, tell me your favorite feature and why you see value in it
so good, so smart, so important
True or False: the health savings card works on pet prescriptions
A member comes in for a car loan. What feature in the Shield Elite and Shield Advantage accounts could you educate them about? How would you position it?
Roadside assistance
relate the BaZing accounts to a netflix, costco, or amazon subscription. What is your script?
I could use amazon for only free shipping while someone else uses it for music, storage, and video as well. At the end of the day we pay the same price.
Netflix: I pay a certain amount a month and get access to all the entertainment i find interesting
Costco: Pay a certain amount a month and get lots of value packaged together for a discounted or cheaper price
Brandon passes away after getting in a wreck while in the back of an uber. Does the travel accidental death feature apply to this kind of travel?
Yes. His family will be given the $10,000 to help with funeral costs, etc.
An older gentlemen has been a member of DFCU for years and has Shield Checking. He is tightening down on his finances because he's saving up for a power of attorney soon. Usually these can cost 100's to 1,000's of dollars. What account would you recommend him and why?
Shield Elite. This account has Financial Wellness powered by Gentreo and offers a power of attorney option for free.
Someone says they don't want Shield Advantage because they already have AAA. What's your response?
We worked hard to make sure the features in our checking account were the most relevant to our members. Since you have a roadside program, it looks like we hit our mark! Good news is you don't have to choose! I use my Roadside from Shield to pay for any extra fees I have from AAA. This way, for only $5.95 a month, I am never out of pocket from a flat tire. Does the extra $80 coverage seem worth the monthly subscription to you?
Suzie has the Shield Elite account and pays for the discounted Care Free Pet package through the Pet Insurance feature. Since having the account, her cat has absolutely destroyed her couch. How much money does the Care Free Pet package provide for her to fix her furniture?
A college student wants to close their account because they don't want to pay for the 'fee', but we know he pays $25 a month to Verizon for cell phone protection. How would you approach this conversation?
Mr. Member, at the end of the day, we want you in the account that best meets your needs. In college and out of college, every penny counts. Did you know Shield advantage has multiple financial benefits one of those being cellphone insurance? For only $5.95 a month you could have coverage up to $800 / year.
Billshark takes 40% of the savings they find from year 1. What percentage of savings do they take when using them through the BaZing accounts?
only 33%
Give two open ended questions you could ask a member when they walk in curious about your checking account offerings
What's making you consider switching financial institutions?
What is top priority for you when thinking about Checking account offerings?
What was your favorite feature in your previous checking account?
How much are you currently paying for X?
A member says they don't think the Shield Elite account is worth it. What question could you ask about the features in response? How would you use a product comparison to create the value?
Acknowledge their feelings: I understand moving away from "free" is a change. Looking at this list, which of these features are you already paying for outside of your account?
Create your stance: we bundle features people usually pay ever increasing amounts for together so our members can have access to them at a cheaper price. Ex) life lock is $30, AAA is $75-$150, cell phone insurance is $25+