You visit this person at school if you are not feeling well
What does the "F" stands for in temperature (ie, 96 degrees F)
This is the name of Disney's mermaid princess
Home of the "Whopper"
GI _ _ _
This type of teacher would test you on geometry or algebra
The closest planet to the sun in our solar system
Dwayne Johnson, who stars in Jumanji, is also known by this wrestling name
One of its slogans is: Eat more "Chikin"
My Little _ _ _ _
This person is head of the entire school
Give an example of a type of precipitation
This Marvel superhero is from the fictional land of Wakanda
Go south of the border & get a Gordita Supreme from here
Connect _ _ _ _
This person lends out books
Name the two elements that make up water
Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Whatsit are all characters from what film?
You order your food over an intercom at this "drive-in" restaurant
Hungry, Hungry _ _ _ _ _ _
This person might teach you about Picasso or Van Gogh
These are the three main types of rock
Kylo Ren's grandfather
Originally started in 1965 when Fred DeLuca borrowed $1,000 from his friend Peter Buck to start "Pete's Super Submarines"
Chatty _ _ _ _ _