Code of Conduct
Mission Statement
Academic Success
Mental Health

Who ALL must sign the Code of Conduct?

Bridge Builder Students AND their parents/ guardians must sign the Code of Conduct 


Complete the following statement:

Bridge Builders to the New Generation is _________ to fostering the social emotional __________and mental well-being of youth and families from marginalized communities, providing a supportive and ___________ environment where they can develop essential skills for success in college, career, and life.

Bridge Builders to the New Generation is dedicated to fostering the social emotional learning and mental well-being of youth and families from marginalized communities, providing a supportive and inclusive environment where they can develop essential skills for success in college, career, and life.


True or False?

BBNG only has after-school programming 4 days a week


Everyday after-school, we offer support and programming. 


You need a GPA of a _______ or higher to be in the program

2.5 or higher 


What is mental health? 

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.


Which is the FALSE statement? 

  • Attend School, go to class and be on time

  • Complete class assignments 

  • Go to college 

  • Attend weekly tutoring/Homework club

  • Display a behavior and attitude that is respected, and represent yourself and family in a positive Manner


"Go to college"

Not all students want to pursue higher education, that is okay, we will help find a plan that works best for you


True or False?

"Our passionate team is committed to empowering underserved youth"


What is the theme for Monday's programming?

Mindfulness Monday 


Name two different types of colleges

Community College




Trade School 


What are examples of unhealthy coping skills?

 Endless scrolling on your phone

Drugs/ Alcohol 

Over/ under eating 

Fighting/ Arguing 



True or False? & why? 

"Surround myself with people who align with both my academic and personal Goals"



True or False 

"Bridge Builders to the New Generation is dedicated to fostering the social emotional learning and mental well-being of youth and families from marginalized communities, providing a supportive and inclusive environment where they can develop essential skills and go to a 4-year college"


What support does BBNG offer on Tuesdays and Thursdays after-school? 



Why does BBNG want you to take your education seriously?

To open doors for opportunities such as: College, opening your own business, MORE FASFA $$, Learn how to learn, higher paying jobs


What are two symptoms of depression? 

  • Tiredness and loss of energy
  • Insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Changes in appetite — decreased appetite and weight loss, or increased cravings for food and weight gain
  • Use of alcohol or drugs
  • Agitation or restlessness — for example, pacing, hand-wringing or an inability to sit still
  • Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements
  • Frequent complaints of unexplained body aches and headaches, which may include frequent visits to the school nurse
  • Social isolation
  • Poor school performance or frequent absences from school
  • Less attention to personal hygiene or appearance
  • Angry outbursts, disruptive or risky behavior, or other acting-out behaviors
  • Self-harm — for example, cutting or burning
  • Making a suicide plan or a suicide attempt

Fill in the blank: 

Parents/ Guardians will ensure that you maintain a_____ GPA or ____+ average in all of your high school and middle school classes.

Parents/ Guardians will ensure that you maintain a 2.5 GPA or C+ average in all of your high school and middle school classes.

Where can you find BBNG's Mission Statement? 


What is the name of the CEO of Bridge Builders?



True or False:

Only smart kids can go to college 


No such thing as a smart or dumb student. You can go to college if you pick up on the skills to learn: Organizational, time-management, study skills, etc 

What are symptoms of anxiety?

such as: 

worries, feeling irritable/nervous, feeling restless, wound-up, on edge, being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, and/or mind going blank, as well as physical symptoms such as sleep problems, muscle tension, headaches, stomachaches and pain

Name 5 guidelines that BBNG students WILL follow

I Will:( initial in space provided following each statement)

  1. Attend school regularly and be on time._____

  2. Participate in class by being an active listener and taking part in discussions.______

  3. Work with Bridgebuilders staff to create academic goals and work to accomplish objectives.______

  4. Set aside time to study daily and complete all homework and classroom assignments._____

  5. Discuss my school day with my parents/guardians daily._____

  6. Talk to my teachers and BB staff about my academic concerns and attend tutoring._____

  7. Participate in BB meetings with staff during office hours, in group lessons/meetings,academic assistance, college field trips and other BB sponsored events._______

  8. Attend the BB field trip/activity, if I turn in a permission slip. If I cannot attend, I will call ahead and cancel. Failure to show up/cancel could result in the loss of field trip privileges.______

  9. Encourage parents/guardians to BB parent meetings._______

  10. Take messages, permission forms and notices home and return them (If applicable) On Time.______

  11. Maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA, and be in good disciplinary standing with my school and Bridge Builders.______

  12. When the transition to college begins, provide copies of financial aid application confirmation and college acceptance letter._____ 

  13. Behave in a respectful manner during all BB activities_____

  14. I agree to abide by the Bridgebuilders program and that poor behavior may result in being removed from the program.______


Say at least one line from the mission statement by memory 

Full Mission Statement

Bridge Builders to the New Generation is dedicated to fostering the social emotional learning and mental well-being of youth and families from marginalized communities, providing a supportive and inclusive environment where they can develop essential skills for success in college, career, and life. Our passionate team is committed to empowering underserved youth to lead fulfilling lives by nurturing their growth and offering opportunities for the development of educational, social, vocational, and independent living skills.


Name the after-school programming per/day 






Monday- Mindfulness Monday

Tuesday- TAP IN Tuesday (Study Hall) 

Wednesday- Workshop Wednesday 

Thursday-TAP IN Thursday (Study hall)

Friday-  FUN Friday 


What are 3 ways you can increase your grade in a class? 

Do your homework 

Show up to class on time

Strong relationship with teacher 

Participate in class 



Why is Mindfulness Monday important for us to take advantage of? 

Provides us with effective tools for managing stress and emotions
