About Us
What year was BBPB Surabaya found?
What was the first Pixar movie?
Toy Story
Where do plastics in the ocean comes from?
Illegal dumping of plastic waste are carried by wind and drains which leads to the ocean.
Who founded BBPB Surabaya?
Celine & Kevin
Siapakah presiden ke-4 Indonesia?
Abdurrahman Wahid / Gusdur
What are the environmental impacts of plastic pollution?
Biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation
What is the most famous BBPB Surabaya Event?
Public Beach Clean Up
Jika tahun yang memiliki 366 hari disebut tahun kabisat, maka tahun yang memiliki 365 hari disebut?
Tahun Basit
Based on UNEP 2023, how many unmanaged plastics did Indonesia generate?
3.2 million tonnes