What does GIC Stand for?
Guaranteed Investment Certificate
What does CDIC stand for?
Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation
What screen on HOST shows general GIC information for a particular GIC?
What are the disclosures we send whenever we send an Esign?
CDIC Coverage, Our Small Business Commitment, E-Signature Disclosure and Small Business Accounts Service Plans & related products.
What month and year did Jash become our Team Manager?
April 2023
What types of GICs can BBS not do?
Market Growth GICs
What GICs always set up to renew principal + interest?
Special offer and cashable GICs
What screen on HOST shows pre-encash rates?
What information is needed for an additional credit card holder who is not an owner?
Name, date of birth, address, and phone number.
Who will be TDs next CEO?
Ray Chun
What is the shortest term for a GIC with TD?
30 days
What are the four issuers of TD GICs
Toronto Dominion, Canada Trust Corporation, TD Mortgage Corporation, and TD Pacific Mortgage Corporation
What screen on HOST do you use to sell a GIC?
What is the maximum interest rate on a BLOC D?
Prime + 7%
What year was the BBS department created?
What other product with TD can a customer use to purchase GICs?
Direct Investing
What issuer cannot be sold to businesses in Quebec?
TD Pacific Mortgage Corporation
What screen on HOST shows interest calculations for GICs?
For new accounts where meeting minutes are used to confirm Directors, the meeting minutes must be dates no more than how many months?
24 months
What year did The Toronto Dominion Bank acquire Canada Trust?
What is a stepper GIC?
The interest rate earned each year will gradually get higher
What accounts can we never buy GICs for?
Mixed Trust Accounts
What screen on HOST shows messages for GICs?
Which province is the only province we can set up mixed trusts with arrangements for licensed paralegals?
What year did The Dominion Bank and The Bank of Toronto merge?