When was BBTC founded?
Which quarter does a majority of BBTC funds go to?
The Spring Production
Who is our faculty mentor for this quarter?
Evelyn fact check...
What country did Bridgette study-aborad in last quarter?
South Korea
What happens if you go outside with wet hair?
You get sick (allegedly)
Name one of BBTC faculty
Lonnie, Juliette, or Efren
What is this years season title?
Finding light under the rubble: A season of seeking hope
What is Christine's official title in BBTC board?
Community Core Member
Who of leadership is "two people away from meeting Pedro Pascal" (said in week 1 meeting intros)
Whats the color order of the Mexican flag?
Green, white, red
Name a past BBTC president
Bridgette/Aaron will fact check this..
Name a past BBTC show. (Una Noche and Ashes of Light do not count)
Leadership fact check:)
Who is our current BBTC graduate mentor?
Kassia Curl
How many types of memberships does the club consist of?
3 (Leadership, core members, and general members)
Who said these lines:
"Bidi Bidi Bom Bom"
What is BBTC Mission Statement...?(No cheating, I am watching in the walls)
BBTC is an ensemble of artists and scholars who aim to produce equally engaging and capitvating artistic work that reflects and empowers Latinx communities.
What was the first event that BBTC hosted to bring in more members?
Poetry Slam
What is our current graduate mentor's focus?
How many meetings must a member attend to be considered a "core member" (hint: out of 10)
What household items double-up as tupperwear?
Anything... but name two
Name someone else who created BBTC besides the main man..
Maria Patrice Amon or Letty Garcia
BBTC created and produced a new play in its first year... what was it titled?
Contra la Corriente
Who was our past graduate mentor?
Heather Lee
What happens if you attend all general meetings, plus a core meeting, or work in a BBTC show?
A free T-shirt! (Supply is currently being restocked..<3)
What does every Mexcian mom say is the "cure to everything"?"
Vix Vapor Rub