What does BBYO stand for?
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
What Jewish holiday is known as the Festival of Lights?
What color represents BBG?
Where was BBYO founded?
Omaha, nebraska
In what year was BBYO officially founded?
On what holiday do Jews fast for 25 hours?
Yom Kippur
What color represents AZA?
What is the largest BBYO region in the world?
Northern region east: DC council: 1400 members
What is the name of BBYO’s international convention
International convention (IC)
Which holiday celebrates the Exodus from Egypt?
What does the BBYO motto, "Ani v’atah," mean in English?
"You and I."
How many countries currently is BBYO in?
over 60!
What are the names of BBYO’s two main leadership programs?
AZA (Aleph Zadik Aleph) and BBG (B’nai B’rith Girls)
On which Jewish holiday is the shofar traditionally blown?
Rosh Hashanah
What is the name of the first BBYO chapter ever established?
Omaha AZA #1.
What is the title of the international president of AZA?