The AGPI code that is
used when someone is employed 120 hours per month OR making equivalent earnings.
What is 21
Uncapped shelter expense, allows excess medical expenses and longer certification period are all benefits of what group of people?
What is elderly/disabled.
Name 3 types of liquid asset.
What is checking account, savings account, savings certificate, cash, stocks, christmas club, IRA, Credit union account, savings bond.
What is the difference between earned & unearned income?
Earned income is received as a direct result of work. Unearned income requires no performance of work.
This is the front page screen for the FS budget
What is AWES
The AGPI code that is used for someone who is obviously physically or mentally unfit.
What is 15
This code is used for a homeless person's living arrangement.
What is 13
Name 3 excluded assets
What is Educational loan, tax refund, burial plot - one per client, utility allowance, 401K account, IRA, college scholarship, home, insurance cash value
These are the income conversions for weekly pays and bi-weekly pays.
What is 4.3 & 2.15
This is the age at which a child living with parents can purchase and prepare separately?
What is 22.
The AGPI code that is used when someone is an unemployment applicant/recipient.
What is 08
How is authentication completed automatically coded on AIIA?
What is TP.
To be considered in the eligibility determination the individual must have ownership and an asset must be considered __________.
When the month is past or all income has been received for the month you use ______ income for the budget.
What is actual
Name two of the exemptions from the student policy.
What is under 17 or over 50, physically or mentally unfit, receiving TCA, enrolled due to participation in TCA related work programs, working at least 80 hours per month, participating in federal work study, OTJ training, caring for a child under 6 or a single parent of a child under 12, assigned to comply w/ JTPA.
The AGPI code that is used when someone is a participant in a drug or alcohol treatment program.
What is 10
If you're out of the household for more than _________, you can't be considered temporarily absent
What is one calendar month.
This type of SFU has no asset limit for food assistance
What is broad based categorically eligible.
List three types of documents we accept to verify self-employment income.
What is income tax returns, form 1099, work calendars, earnings statements, collateral contact or business records.
This is another name for date of eligibility
What is date of application or RFA date.
The AGPI code for someone who is disabled
What is 09
Name 5 of the technical factors of eligibility for food stamps
What are social security number, living arrangements, identity, citizenship/non citizen status, residency, child support cooperation, work registration/coop w/ food assistance employment program, ABAWD time limits, Cooperation with Quality control.
This type of SFU contains a person with an intentional program violation, drug trafficking conviction or other penalty that causes them to be an FA or FC in the AG.
What is non-categorically eligible.
Earned income receives __________ that unearned income does not receive.
What is disregards or deductions.
This is the income after all deductions have been taken.
What is FS adjusted income.