He has got straight hair and a beard.
Má rovné vlasy a vousy.
He hasn´t got any hair on his head.
a head
make six squats
Good job!
She has got curly brown hair and blue eyes.
Má hnědé kudrnaté vlasy a modré oči
Rosie má rudé vlnité vlasy, hnědé pihy na obličeji a velké zelené oči.
Rosie has red wavy hair, brown freckles on her face and big green eyes.
an arm
a foot
Finish the sentence below...
He has a small ........
He lives in a small village.
Bydlí na malé vesnici.
V mém pokoji je velký stůl, malá polička, posel a koberec.
a shoulder
a leg
Draw a room according to the text.
There is a big window in the room, under the window there is a big green sofa, in front of the sofa there is a small brown table. Two blue armchairs are next to sofa, each on one side.
They like playing football and ice-hockey.
Rádi hrají fotbal a hokej.
V našem domě jsou dva dětské pokoje, velká kuchyň, dvě malé koupelny, garáž, ložnice, obývací pokoj, malá předsíň, sklep a půda.
There are two kids´ bedrooms/rooms, a big kitchen, two small bathrooms, a garage, a bedroom, a living room, a small hall, a cellar/basement and an attic in our house. In our house, there are ...
prst u nohy
a toe
a belly button
Create a setence with these words:
brother, arm, yellow, small
A small brown tabel is next to big red sofa.
Malý hnědý stolek/ stůl stojí/je vedle velkého červeného gauče.
Má mladšího bratra a dvě starší sestry. Rád hraju footbal a často plavu. Nemám rád matematiku, ale baví mě dějepis.
I have a younger brother, two older sisters. I like playing football and I often swim. I don´t like maths, but I like/ enjoy history class/ history.
a moustache
Create a question