Coping Skills
Coping Skills 2
Mental Illness & Related

You're feeling intense anger and want to lash out, but instead, you push against a wall to release your energy in a healthier way.

What is a wall push?


This coping skill releases endorphins which make you feel good.

What is exercise


You expected to feel better after a certain period of sobriety, but you're still facing challenges. You feel a bit empty.

What is sadness?


A threatening experience that you don’t feel like you have control over can cause this.

What is trauma?


These are the three stages of relapse.

What are emotional, mental, physical?


You’re feeling sad and tempted to use, but instead, you watch a funny show to boost your mood and distract you from any cravings.

What is creating competing emotions?


You are feeling overwhelmed and you just want something to help you calm down. You remember this skill and decide you wear a fuzzy robe, snack on some food, and listen to music.

What is self-soothe with the 5 senses.


You think you will be rejected by your friends if they find out about your past struggles with addiction or your recent relapse, so you don’t say anything about your past.

What is shame?


When you’re having one of these, you can do a grounding technique to bring you back to the present, like holding an ice cube.

What is a panic attack?


Small actions you take everyday to take care of yourself helps build this.

What is resilience?


This is a crisis hotline you can call when you need support for your mental health.

What is 988?


You have been in a rut. You remember this skill and decide to reach out to your friends more, listen to some music you love, and pick up a hobby that makes you happy.

What is increase positive emotions?


Your partner starts spending more time with someone else, and you feel threatened by this.

What is jealousy?


This is a sudden change in mood described as euphoric or irritable.

What is mania?


Finding this can help with boredom.

What is meaning and purpose?


You're dealing with an overwhelming situation that is triggering you, so you imagine placing your thoughts in a box and setting them aside for later.

What is the container exercise?


You’re having a mild craving, but instead of giving in, you understand that it will pass. You choose to sit with your craving and let it pass naturally.

What is Riding the Wave?


You see a friend buying a car you’ve wanted for a long time but haven’t been able to afford. You wish you had that car instead.

What is envy?


These are a group of mental illnesses that affect your emotional state in episodes of either highs, lows, or both.

What are mood disorders?


An example of this defense mechanism is yelling at your partner because you're frustrated with your boss.

What is displacement?


This is a communication style where you can compromise and recognize that your needs matter as much as anyone else's.

What is assertive communication?


You feel stressed, so you focus on tensing and then relaxing different parts of your body to calm down.

What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?


You’re spending time with an old group of friends who still use substances, and you think about how harmful their behavior is. You just want to leave.

What is disgust?


You are constantly worried that you smell bad and take many measures to feel clean. You often ask for reassurance from others.

What is OCD?


This is a belief that is connected to higher self-esteem. It’s the belief that you have control over your life and actions, and that you are responsible for your own success or failure.

What is an internal locus of control?
