I once was full of thoughts but now I am white and empty.
What is a skull
An octagon that you see almost everyday outside
What is a STOP Sign?
Country and a continent that is an Island
Who made me?
Vincent van Gogh
Back to square one
I look the same when seen backwards and upside down
What is the word swim or What is the word noon?
A food item with no expiry
What is honey?
Most subscribers in the YouTube channel
What is TSeries?
Guess the movie.
Home Alone 2
Once in a blue moon
I am a kid but I am not a human.
What is a baby goat?
The number 24 is an integral part of your day. But it is an integral part of one of your body parts too.
How many ribs do we have?
First to use Santa in an advertisement
Guess the city.
Start singing
The lion sleeps tonight
Forward I am heavy, backward I am not
What is TON?
I am 7 in number and red in color with white as my partner.
How many stripes are there in the USA flag?
Mammal with no voice
I start with a T, end with a T and have T in me
What is a Teapot?
I am a city in every continent.
What is Rome?