This profession focuses on matching workers to specialized industrial roles.
What is vocational guidance?
Holland’s theory suggests that job satisfaction increases when work environments align with these.
What are vocational types?
According to Gottfredson’s theory, this stage marks when children start eliminating careers based on social class.
What is ages 9-13 (Orientation to Social Valuation)?
Krumboltz’s theory suggests that career decisions are shaped by this type of learning, which happens through work experiences.
What are instrumental learning experiences?
In Savickas' Career Construction Theory, this is one of the four dimensions of career adaptability.
What is concern?
Frank Parsons, often called the father of vocational guidance, proposed a three-step model of career decision-making. The second step is:
What is understanding the requirements of different jobs?
This metaphor represents the dynamic interplay of life roles across developmental stages in Super's Life-Span, Life-Space theory.
What is the career rainbow?
Gottfredson’s theory describes how individuals adjust career choices when ideal options are not available.
What is career compromise?
Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) emphasizes the influence of this personal belief on career decision-making.
What is self-efficacy?
According to Dik et al., framing career as a calling can sometimes have this potential drawback.
What is reduced openness to alternative career paths?
This key early figure emphasized that matching personal traits to job requirements leads to vocational success.
Who is Frank Parsons?
Holland's theory asserts that individuals will be most satisfied and successful in their careers when their work environments align with this.
What is their personality type?
In Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), the most influential source of self-efficacy beliefs comes from this.
What are personal performance accomplishments?
This is a key component of SCCT that shapes how individuals expect career outcomes to turn out.
What are outcome expectations?
The Culturally Appropriate Career Counseling Model highlights this essential process of examining and reflecting on a client’s unique sociocultural background.
What is cultural assessment?
The first career counseling bureau in the United States was established in this year.
What is 1908?
Super’s concept of “life-space” refers to the roles individuals occupy across their lifespan, including this one, often overlooked in earlier theories.
What is the non-work role (e.g., leisure, family)?
SCCT highlights these as critical in shaping career interests and choices through learning experiences.
What are self-efficacy and outcome expectations?
Krumboltz's theory asserts that individuals should develop this mindset to embrace uncertainty and opportunity in career development.
What is planned happenstance?
This dimension of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies Framework encourages career counselors to acknowledge their own social locations and power differentials in their counseling relationships.
What is counselor self-awareness?
Parsons' theory introduced this key concept, which involves matching an individual’s traits with specific job requirements.
What is Trait-and-Factor Theory?
Holland’s personality-environment fit theory emphasizes that congruence between these two factors leads to greater job satisfaction and performance.
What are personality type and work environment?
In Gottfredson's theory, this phase involves refining choices to match one’s self-concept, considering gender roles, prestige, and job availability.
What is orientation to the internal, unique self?
SCCT emphasizes that self-efficacy beliefs, outcome expectations, and this third factor shape individuals’ career interests and goals.
What are personal goals (or personal agency)?
According to the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies Framework, this type of intervention is crucial for addressing systemic inequities within educational and career systems.
What is structural intervention (or systemic intervention)?