Lucy is conducting verbal behavior training for Suzy. Suzy has vocal play and some vocal imitation. Lucy should teach _______ as the first verbal operant.

a. mands 

b. tacts

c. echoic

d. intraverbal 

a. mands 


concept formation involves:

a. generalization within a stimulus class and discrimination across stimulus class

b. discrimination within stimulus class and generalization across stimulus class

c. generalization within response class but discrimination across stimulus class 

d. discrimination within both stimulus class and across stimulus class

a. generalization within a stimulus class and discrimination across stimulus class


it is effective to teach discrimination trining by:

a. presenting both the S^ and S; reinforcing one condition and not the other

b. presenting both the S^ and SD ; reinforcing both conditions

c. presenting the S^ alone on every trial 

d. presenting the SD alone on every trial 

a. presenting both the S^ and S; reinforcing one condition and not the other


the goals of prompt fading are: 

a. allows the learner to be prompt dependent 

b. teaches the learner to respond to the naturally occurring stimuli in the environment

c. not recommended when attempting to establish stimulus control

d. all of the above 

b. teaches the learner to respond to the naturally occurring stimuli in the environment


Coopers mom took away his computer time because he cursed. This exemplifies which operant contingency:

a. negative reinforcement 

b. positive punishment 

c. negative punishment 

d. not enough info

d. not enough info


Zoe is a BCBA providing behavioral services in a low-income neighborhood. A client is unable to pay for services and Zoe accepts home cooked meals in lieu of payment.

a. Zoe has demonstrated compassion and empathy: these characteristics are valued in a behavior analyst

b. this exemplifies Zoe accepting a pro bono client 

c. this exemplifies Zoe engaging in an exploitative relationship as bartering is contraindicated

d. Zoe adhered to responsible conduct of a behavior analyst 

c. this exemplifies Zoe engaging in an exploitative relationship as bartering is contraindicated


Joseph and Mary are observing a learner and measuring the behavior using event recording (count). The most stringent IOA we can calculate on Jospeh and Mary is:

a. total count IOA

b. exact count per interval IOA

c. mean count per interval IOA

d. exact count event recording IOA

b. exact count per interval IOA


The data points are 9, 0, 3, 6, 17, 13, 10. The median is:

a. 9

b. 6

c. 8

d. 14.5

a. 9


Which time sampling IOA is the most stringent for a behavior that occurs at low frequency? 

a. unsecured interval IOA

b. interval by interval IOA

c. scored interval IOA

d. exact interval IOA

c. scored interval IOA


learners who have become prompt dependent:

a. are common during DTI

b. are common for establishing stimulus control 

c. tend to be cognitive delayed 

d. might have resulted from prompts being inserted into the behavior chain

d. might have resulted from prompts being inserted into the behavior chain


Toby was taught to tact three pictures of different looking dogs as "dog". When shown a novel dog, Toby was also able to tact it as "dog". Toby was taught to match and is now able to demonstrate generalized identical matching. In addition, after Toby was taught to read the textual word "dog", the bidirectional relation was emerged. The behaviors emitted by Toby are examples of: 

a. equivalence 

b. stimulus generalization 

c. derived stimulus relations

d. transitivity 

c. derived stimulus relations


Student attempted to grab ice cram cone from the teachers hand. The teacher said to the student "I want ice cream". Student then said "I want ice cream" and was provided with ice cream. The prompt provided to the student is best described as: 

a. model response prompt

b. gestural prompt 

c. verbal response prompt

d. stimulus prompt

a. model response prompt


Susan manipulated variables across settings to see the effects on her students problem behaviors. This process best exemplifies which attitudes of science?

a. replication

b. experimentation

c. determinism 

d. empiricism

b. experimentation


In recent literature, some authors suggest that having joint attention will perform higher reading comprehension such as th ability to make inferences. As suggested by these authors, joint attention skills might be a _______ for making inferences in reading.

a. behavior cusp

b. socially significant 

c. pivotal behavior

d. none of the above 

c. pivotal behavior


John, the BCBA has been assigned to work with a child whose parents are homosexuals. John is a Christian and does not feel comfortable with the assignment. 

a. John should continue working with the family as the opportunity will allow him to increase tolerance and understanding of homosexuality.

b. John should tell the family of his feelings about homosexuality and decline the assignment. 

c. John should not accept the job and refer out to other colleagues. He should also assess his moral codes. to see see if they align with the responsible conduct of a behavior analyst. 

d. John should speak to his priest.

c. John should not accept the job and refer out to other colleagues. He should also assess his moral codes. to see see if they align with the responsible conduct of a behavior analyst. 


Operant contingencies or procedures are said to _________ behaviors while respondent procedures are said to ______ behaviors.

a. emit/evoke

b. elicit/emit

c. evoke/emit

d. evoke/elicit

d. evoke/elicit


which of the following experimental designs demonstrates the strongest experimental control?

a. multiple baseline

b. multiple reversals 

c. AB design

d. all single subject designs demonstrate experimental control equally

b. multiple reversals 


On a cumulative record, the data point for Monday is a 3 and the data point for Tuesday is a 5. How many total occurrences of the behavior occurred on Tuesday?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 5

d. cannot be determined 

a. 2


Laura lacks scanning skills and toleration to relinquishing reinforcers. A preference assessment that might be appropriate for Laura is?

a. free operant


c. progressive ratio

d. MSW

a. free operant


Peter and Paul are observing a learner and measuring behavior using Partial Interval Recording. What is the most stringent method of IOA on a learner who engages in the behavior at a very high rate

a. unscored interval IOA

b. scored interval IOA

c. interval by interval IOA

d. all of the above 

a. unscored interval IOA


In initial tact training, the ultimate goal for the learner is to tact when: 

a. the teacher says "what's this" while the object or event being "tacted" is present 

b. the object or event being "tacted" is present or in sight of the learner

c. the object or event being "tacted" is out of sight 

d. the teacher says "what do you want"

b. the object or event being "tacted" is present or in sight of the learner


Suzy is continuously observing the learner to insure if he engages in the response throughout the interval. She is likely to be using _________.

a. time sampling 

b. playchek

c. partial interval recording 

d. whole interval recording

d. whole interval recording


Linda is running functional analyses for her learners. Linda prepares the environment and staff to help learners discriminate between stimulus conditions in order to demonstrate experimental control. Linda is likely running a(n):

a. multiple baseline 

b. multi-element design

c. multiple probe 

d. changing criterion

b. multi-element design


Hungry Lucy leads mom into the kitchen and points to the apple. Mom gives Lucy an apple. Lucy is possibly: 

a. tasting 

b. emitting an autoclitic

c. manding

d. none of the above 

c. manding


_____________ is concerned with teaching the learner to perform a skill during distractions, across people, settings, and maintaining the skill over time. 

a. direct instructions 

b. discrete trial training

c. competency based training 

d. precision teaching

d. precision teaching
