The majority of scholars (those who are Christians and those who were not) believe that Jesus was a historical person.<true or false>
At the Sermon of the Mount in Luke, Jesus said ‘Woe to you who are rich’ and ‘Blessed are the ______”
Who is the main figure depicted in the largest stained glass window at Mt. Calvary?
Which of these two images is more likely to reflect what Jesus Christ actually looked like?
The more brown one. Jesus was not white or European.
In Matthew 26, Jesus told the disciples roughly ‘Those who live by the sword, die by the _____’`
Can we still speak to Jesus in our prayers?
What is the difference between the depictions of Christ on the left, and the depictions of Christ on the right?
Early on, Jesus was depicted without a beard (for the first 300 years or so)
In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is. In all three tellings, he says that we are called to Love ____ and _______, and that all the commandments are wrapped up in these two. What are the words that Jesus says in this ‘great commandment’?
God, & Neighbor
This piece of graffiti, found on an ancient wall in Rome, is often considered to be the oldest depiction of Jesus. However, instead of having the head of a human, Jesus has the head of what animal?=
Donkey (I would also take horse)
In John, Jesus doesn’t just heal people, and feed the five thousand, and go around preaching about justice, he also performs acts of service towards his disciples, performing tasks that would normally be done by enslaved people. What part of the disciples does Jesus clean in the Gospel of John?
In Matthew 28, Jesus gives the great commission, where he tells his disciples to spread the good news to which nations?
All Nations.
This stone features an inscription that reads as follows
Which biblical figure is this stone likely referencing?
Pontius Pilate
In all four gospel accounts, who does Jesus send to spread the good news of his resurrection, making this person the first Christian preacher?
Mary Magdalene
Jesus healed everyone that he could, whether they were followers of his or not. How can we follow this teaching today?
(up to Pr. Paul's discretion)
Who killed John the Baptist?
Herod (or Herod Agrippa)
In Acts 2, some early followers of Jesus decide to sell their possessions and give the proceeds to all as they had need. In church law, this doctrine became known as Omnia Sunt Communia. This style of wealth redistribution is often called what?
In all four gospels, Jesus fed a multitude of people, without charge. How might we embody this teaching as the church today?
(up to Pr. Paul's discretion)
What are the two events that nearly all historians of Jesus (secular and religious) agree upon happening?
His baptism by John the Baptist, and his death by crucifixion
Jesus was told that he had to pay a temple tax. He told his disciples to go and get a kind of animal, and pull the coin for the tax from it’s mouth. What’s kind of animal did St. Peter get?
a fish (Matthew 17)
In John 8, a woman who is caught in adultery is about to be stoned. What does Jesus say to the crowd gathered? and what does this mean for us today?
1. Let anyone without sin throw the first stone
2. We shouldn't spend our time judging other people, instead we should focus on how we can serve our neighbor.