This person Has deadlifted a car
Who else could it be but Austin?
This person was born in Charlotte (the rest of this fact is added by Noah to give you a chance at guessing correctly) but has spent several months in Germany.
Who is Ethan?
This person was in the Marines.
Who is McMaggot McCarthy (Ryan)
This person is an only child
Who is Maya?
This person is from South Carolina
Who is Travis? What is Travis?
This person is ducking Harley Davidson's Financial Team
This person was born in New York.
Who is Ryan?
This person has met ASAP rocky
Who is Charlie?
This person has worked at Olly Olly for between 3 and 4 months
Who is Travis?
This person submitted the fact "I've lived like 8 different lives lol "
Who is Cadiah?
This person's favorite color is black
Who is Cadiah?
This person has been rejected by Charlie for a chilis date night
This person finished a race only .01% of the world has completed, amounting to 26.2 miles.
This person's favorite author is C.S. Lewis
Who is AJ?
This person has no pets
Who is Liz?
This person has saved a life
Who is Austin?
This person was Recently married
Who is Mo?
This person doesn't watch sports
Who is Kolby?
This person has a bachelors of science in psychology
Who is Emma?
This person " 5. "Ricky Bobby'd" my leg while drunk"
Who is Samuel?
This person has a book on their desk but doesn't read it
Who is Kolby?
3. Has visited over 20 countries
Submitted the fact "5. Wears boots while top 3 music genre is hip hop and rap "
Who is Steele?
This person graduated college the same year Apple came out with the 5c Iphone.
Who is Joe?
This person submitted the fact "i once accidentally drove my car up on top of a boulder in a panda express parking lot in such a way that caused no damage to the car at all, but it did take 8 hours to get it down "
Who is Emma?