the most intense, exciting, or important point of something;
What is the climax ?
when you understand the theme of a text, you have understood the .....
the moral or message of the text
"The wall stared at me silently" is an example of what type of literary tool?
Tone can best described as
the implied feeling or meaning beyond the literal , its how the author eels about the topic.
The button you click to access BurlingtonEnglish content.
What is the blue BE login button?
what is autobiography?
An account of a person's life written by that person
things we learn In-Class Lesson are: Get Ready, Vocabulary, Read, Speak, Review Game techniques for .......
What is Life Skills?
This level of Burlington Core has two Read lessons per module.
What is Advanced?
This tile has specialized career courses featuring real-life interactive workplace scenarios to support IET/IELCE initiatives.
What is English for Specific Careers?
What is 9AM - 8PM EST.
Language that isn't literal and always has deeper meaning is called
Figurative Language
These Student Lesson Types end with a Speak activity.
What is Life Skills?
Low Beginners, High Beginners, Low Intermediate and High Intermediate each have this number of Lesson Plans.
What is 80?
Burlington Core is a comprehensive standards-based curriculum that integrates ___ ___, ____ ____ and ____ ____ at all levels of instruction.
What is academic preparation, career readiness and digital literacy.
What document lists your rollover vacation days?
What is the PTO calculator?
s when we refer to something without mentioning it directly. We use it when we want to remind someone of something but not mention it directly.
What is allusion ?
All Core levels conclude with a Write lesson except this level.
What is Basics?
This level of Burlington Core ends each ICL with a review game.
What is Basics?
Burlington courses help programs stay focused on _______ with an emphasis on IET and IELCE.
What is WIOA.
In OneDrive, the searchable excel document of over 100 Customer Training links for internal resources and 40 training links you can send to teachers?
What is the Training Index?
These questions provide students with opportunities to relate the lesson material to their own lives and share their experiences with classmates.
What is shared inquiry?
________ __________ help the teacher direct the lesson, explain important information and address various standards.
What are Teaching Points?
what is R.A.C.E
R restate the prompt
A answer the question
C cite evidence (supporting detail)
E explain your answer and the evidence.
This On-Demand training contains a section on the Message Tool which promotes regular communication between teachers and students.
What is Student Lessons in Burlington English.
In the US, how many states have BurlingtonEnglish seats?
What is 50?