Staff Expectation
Special Programs and Events
Safety and Procedures
Program Policies
Be Basics

What is one of the 7 'BE' qualities that a great Be Me staff member should have?

BEing Prepared, BE In Control, BEing Committed, BEing Engaging, BEing A Role Model, BEing Humble, BEing Professional.


What is the Full-Dy School's Out Program?

A program on certain days when school is not in session, offering fun enrichments and field trips from 8:00am-5:30pm.


What must a staff member do if a student brings a snack containing nuts?

The student must eat with a non-allergic friend and staff member, away from their group. Another option could be getting the student another snack from the office.


On which holidays does Be Me not run any after-school programs?

Thanksgiving recess, rosh Hashanah, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, New Year's Day, Yom Kippur.


What is the primary mission of the Be Me After School Program?

To provide students with the finest after school program experience, with innovative programming and shared Jewish values.


What should staff members do if they forget to punch in or out?

Notify Emma via email with a screenshot of the error message.


What is the policy for working during the Vacation Camp session?

Staff are asked if they would like to work during these camps, but are not required to unless otherwise asked. First come first served.


What is the staff procedure when there's an emergency?

Ask for someone from leadership to come to your location, and indicate that it's "urgent" or "important"


What should staff members do if a student has an allergic reaction?

Ensure the student's Epi-Pen or inhaler is with them, especially when traveling off-site.


Who is responsible for providing feedback to staff members?

Supervisors are responsible for providing feedback at least once every two weeks.


What is the procedure if a staff member cannot make it to work?

Call, text, or email Emma ahead of time and ensure you receive a confirmation message back. 


What are some of the Half-Day Program dates?

November 7th, March 5th


What should staff avoid doing with the walkie-talkies?

Avoid using inappropriate language, making jokes, telling stories, letting a child use the walkie-talkie, sharing personal information.


What is the policy on using food as a reward?

Food, including candy, should not be used as a reward for positive behaviors.

What are the two semesters in the Be Me school year?

First semester: September to late January

Second semester: February to June


What is the consequences for not wearing the staff shirt on designated days?

Staff may be sent home without pay.


When should staff members arrive on the days with staff meetings?

By 1:15pm every other Wednesday.


What is the protocol if a child has an accident or tantrum?

Do not mention it over the walkie to avoid causing alarm to others, seek help from leadership.


What should staff do when supervising students during transitions?

Ensure students are supervised at all times, do not allow them to move around the building unsupervised, and maintaining in ration.


What does the acronym ADP stand for in the context of Be Me's time tracking?

Automatic Data Processing 


What must staff members do with walkie-talkies at the end of the day?

Return them to the designated location in the office and set them on their charger.


What are the dress code guidelines for Casual Fridays?

No ripped jeans, no shirts with inappropriate content, and you may be sent home if not appropriately dressed.


What is the Be Me program's policy on nut products?

Nuts are prohibited on-site.


How should staff communicate with parents during the program?

Introduce themselves, reassure parents that "everything is fine", and avoid discussing challenging behaviors.


What is the Be Me program's policy on nut products?

Be Me is a nut-aware program, and nuts are prohibited on-site
