Ways to Stop Bullying
Positive Mental Health
Help Yourself Out
Mental Health

True or False? 

A bully wants you to react to their behavior. Ignoring them will help stop the bullying. 

The bully wants you to react to their behavior. They usually want to take away any power that you have and make you sad or scared. Kids who bully usually lose interest if they aren’t given the satisfaction of getting a reaction from you.

  • If you can, try to ignore what the bully is saying to you.

    • If you don’t get angry when the bully says something mean, they will likely stop bullying you. 

    • If they do not stop, talk to an adult as soon as you can. 


According to research, at what time in life is a person's self-esteem the lowest?



What is one thing you can do to improve your mental health? 

Exercise, seek help (therapist), mindfulness, use growth mindset, spend time with friends/family, put your mental health first, etc. 


How many hours of sleep should teenagers get each night? 

9-10 hours each night


True or False: Mental health conditions develop from genetics only?

False: Many factors contribute to the development of a mental health condition, including life experiences (such as, trauma or a history of abuse), biological factors, and family history of mental illness.


Sometimes trying to be _________ when a bully says something mean to you can take their power to hurt you. 


If they say your hair is ugly, you could say, “I know, right? I really need a haircut.”

This lets them think it doesn’t bother you, and they may leave you alone next time.


True or False? 

If a person has high self-esteem they have it all the time.


A person who has high self-esteem can still have certain situations that trigger self-doubt. However, they are able to enjoy and tolerate more situations, and believe more positive things about themselves. 


True or False: Positive self talk (inner coach) can help us think more positively and encourage us to keep going



How much physical activity should teens get in a day?



List 3 solutions to help a friend who is struggling with  mental health issues.

Telling a teacher, informing the student’s parents, and connecting with them on a deeper level


How do you build your army?

Surround yourself with friends who care about you and appreciate you for who you are. Travel in packs. 


Name 2 things that hurt your self-esteem

  • Care too much about what other people think

  • Negative thinking/indulging in pessimism

  • Compare yourself to others & social media comparisons

  • Self-deprecating talk (“I’m not that great”)

  • Blame others

  • Set the bar low (“I’m not good at this so don’t expect too much”)

  • Think you do not have anything to contribute

  • Dismiss compliments

  • Ruminate on or over-think negative events

  • Have relationships (friendship or romantic) with someone that puts you down or does not care about your feelings


You are a new member in a club. What could you do to make friends with some of your new classmates?

Smile, Be friendly and welcoming etc


How many 8 oz. glasses of water should an 18-year-old drink each day?



What is the most common problem among children and youth?

anxiety problems, behaviour problems (ex. ADHD), mood disorders (depressive disorders) or substance use problems



Who can you go to if you are being bullied?

Any adult! Your teachers, administration, counseling, etc.

Administration: Mr. Meyer, Mr. Bryant, Mr. Brandt

Counseling: Mrs. Lucas, Ms. Claire, Ms. Love, Ms. Golden, Ms. Noy

Office Staff/Nurse: Lisa, Julie, Nurse Kelli


Self-esteem is how we ____ and _____ ourselves

value and perceive

It's based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can feel difficult to change


What is the word for this definition:

People believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment

Growth Mindset


Name 3 things that technology disturbs in a teenager's everyday life

1. school

2. family

3. sleep


True or False: Asking a person if they are suicidal will increase their risk of suicide.



Name one way to avoid the bully

-walk a different path

-ask to sit in a different place

-sit at a different table


Name 4 things that help self-esteem

  • Do something you’ve been avoiding

  • Reframe negative thoughts into positive

  • Know what you can control vs. what others control

  • Value your opinion

  • Growth mindset (The Power of YET!)

  • Take ownership of your actions (no more blame game)

  • Set realistic and attainable goals

  • Accept compliments graciously

  • Look for solutions to a set-back

  • Positive affirmations

  • gratitude


List 4 of your own coping skills. Why do they help you?

Dependent on student response


On average, how many teens die from using their phones while driving, a day?



By the time they are 18, this percentage of individuals will experience a mental health challenge.

20% (1 in 5)
