Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

True or False: If ideas you come up with do not work for you, you should discard them completely because if they can't be used right now, they can't be used at all.

What is "False?"


The plan where each strategy corresponds to a day of the week (example: "Make it meaningful" for Monday" is called __________.

What is the "seven-step anti-procrastination plan?"


Which of the following is false?

1.) The memory process works in stages.

2.) Memory is something you do—not something you have.

3.) Your brain does not need your five senses to make contact with the world.

4.) Encoding is about choosing what to remember and how to remember what you are interested in.

What is "3.) Your brain does not need your five senses to make contact with the world.?"



What is "muscle reading?"

What is "an active, energy-consuming, sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat-business or active reading?"


According to David Kolb's theory of experiential learning, there are four ways to learn from experience: 1.) feeling or "concrete experience," 2.) watching or "reflective observation," 3.) doing or "active experimentation." What is the fourth way?

What is "thinking or 'abstract conceptualization'"


True or False: It is hard for the average person to multitask because research says that we humans are wired to tackle things one at a time.

What is "true?"


That thing called when you try to remember something periodically (every other day, weekly, etc.)

What is "spaced repetition?"


What is it called when you determine if a paragraph is important or not based on the first (or first two) sentence it has?

What is "pseudo-skimming"?


Define "metacognition"

What is "the ability to stand 'above' your current mental activities and observe them?"


Name two ways to plan to set yourself free:

What are "(any two of the following)?"

• Schedule for flexibility and fun

• Back up to a bigger picture

• Look boldly for things to change

• What’s missing? What should be maintained?

• Think further into the future

• Return to the present

• Schedule fixed blocks of time

• Set clear starting and stopping times

• Plan for changes

• Involve others

• Most Important Task

• What works for you?


Name three of the twenty five memory techniques under the category "Encode by Thinking" as stated in the textbook:

What are "(any three of the following)?"

• Be selective

• Elaborate with questions

• Organize it

• Create associations

• Create pictures

• Restate it

• Write it down

• Make flash cards

• Overlearn

• Intend to remember


Name the three phases of muscle reading.

What are "Phase 1 (before you read), Phase 2 (while you read), and Phase 3 (after you read)?"


According to the VARK system, how would someone learn "auditorily?" Give at least two examples.

What is "through conversations, discussions, debates, audiobooks, podcasts, etc.?"


Choosing to not have enough __________ can decrease your immunity to illness and impair your performance in school (Hint from Mr. Aldwin)

What is "sleep?"


Define what an "acronym" is, and give an example.

What is "Acronyms are words created from the initial letters of a series or words. Examples = NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), ROYGBIV (colors of the visible spectrum), FOIL (first, outer, inner, last), etc.)"


What are two things you can do to "develop information literacy?"

What are "(any two of the following)"?

• Get Ideas For Your Topic

• Discover Questions About Your Topic

• Find Sources

• Refine Your Topic

• Refine Your Key Words

• Dig Deeper Into The Web

• Get To Know Your Library

• Talk To People

• Evaluate Information

• Evaluate Internet Sources With Extra Care

• Distinguish Between Primary and Secondary Sources

• Take Notes and Reflect on Them


True or False: If the statement(s) is/are false, correct it/them based on the underlined and italicized text.

People who are "logically" intelligent tend to like storytelling. On the other hand, someone who can harmonize to the melody of a song is linguistically intelligent.

What is "False; people who are "logically" tend to like puzzles, math problems, step-by-step planning, etc. On the other hand, someone who can harmonize to the melody of a song is musically intelligent."


The ABC daily to-do list incorporates the usage of letters "A, B, and C." What is the significance of these letters to this planning method to use one's time effectively?

What is "they help you associate a specific level of urgency and importance to a task. A = important and urgent (needs to be done immediately); B = important but not urgent (can be delayed by a little bit); C = neither important nor urgent (no set deadline for it to be done)?"


Define the "loci" system (also called "memory palace").

What is "a memory technique that involves visualizing information as being placed in specific locations along a familiar route or journey?"


True or False: "Building your vocabulary gives you more options for self-expression when speaking or writing. It also allows you to think more precisely by making finer distinctions between ideas."

What is "True?"
