The older brother of the "beautiful child" found in a river.
Who is Aaron?
Zechariah predicted the new king would arrive in Jerusalem on one of these animals & Jesus later does
What is a Donkey
They're the stories by which Jesus taught--hey did you hear the one about the sower & soils?
What are Parables?
The most common presidential religious affiliation is this denomination part of the Anglican communion
In 2004 economist Manmohan Singh became the first of this religion to become India's Prime Minister
What is SIKH
The father of the corrupt brothers Hophni and Phineas.
Who is Eli the Priest?
1. Sam 4:4
An invasion of these amphibians was the second of the 10 plagues of Egypt
Fittingly in the King James version the New Testament ends with this 4-letter word
What is Amen?
In his inaugural address he mentioned that 44 Americans have now taken the Presidential Oath
Who is Obama?
In 1961 Indian forces invaded the territory of Goa & took it from this European power
What is Portugal?
The Uncle of the Persian Queen.
Who is Mordecai?
Esther 2:15
Animal deprived of wisdom leaves her eggs on the ground and scorns the horse and its rider
What is an Ostrich?
Job 39:13-18
The 14 books called this are omitted from Protestant Bibles
What is The Apocrypha?
His presidential library's website credits him with saving 77 lives as a lifeguard in Dixon Illinois
Who is Ronald Reagan?
India's most populous city is this one where the Bollywood film industry is based
What is Mumbai?
The son caught in the terebinth tree.
Who Absalom?
2 Samuel 18:10
The human trait these four tiny animals are praised for the ant, rock badger, locust, and spider share.
What is wisdom
Proverbs 30:24
In Matthew this ruler called for the deaths of all infant boys in Bethlehem: that's not so great
Who is Herod?
His second inaugural address began At this last presidential inauguration of the twentieth century...
Who is Bill Clinton?
India's first prime minister he served in that post from 1947 until his death in 1964
The weary brother that bartered for red stew.
Who is Esau?
Genesis 25:30
Honey and this insect, was John The Baptist's diet.
What is Locust?
In Luke Jesus is tried both by Herod & by this Roman governor
Who is Pontius Pilate?
He was criticized for not invading Baghdad & removing Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War
This capital of the state of West Bengal is India's largest city
What is Calcutta?