What is the cross symbolic of in a general sense according to a majority of Christian denominations?
DAILY QUINTUPLE!!!: What style of wood was the original cross said to have been constructed from?
Holly oak
What does an evergreen Christmas tree traditionally symbolize to Christians?
Much like the evergreen is perpetually green, it symbolizes the everlasting life Christians expect in heaven.
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
The Crown of Thorns is a symbolic representation of Jesus's suffering on the cross.
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
The Lamb of God has two meanings:
1.) John the Baptist's description of Jesus
2.) The Passover lamb/resurrection of Jesus
What style of cross is depicted below?
Five-fold Cross
What style of cross is depicted below?
Plain Latin
DAILY DOUBLE!: What is the meaning of the Latin inscription "I.N.R.I" that was posted above Jesus on the cross?
The letters stand for "Jesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaiorum," or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."
DAILY DOUBLE!: In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize? Why?
It symbolizes Christ for two reasons:
1.) The "Fishers of Men" anecdote from Matthew
2.) The Greek word for fish, icthus, contains the first letters of Jesus Christ.
Early Christians used it to identify themselves to each other in secret at a time when they were being persecuted.
What does the style of cross depicted below symbolize?
DAILY DOUBLE: What style of cross is depicted below?
Russian Orthodox
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
Three linked circles stand for the unity of God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
The palm leaves are symbolic of Palm Sunday, the day one week before his crucifixion in which Christ triumphantly entered Jerusalem over a path of palm leaves.
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
God's spirit at the baptism of Jesus
What style of cross is depicted below?
What style of cross is depicted below?
Papal Cross
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
The cross keys of St. Peter symbolize the keys to Heaven.
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, representing that God is all, the beginning and end.
In Christianity, what does the image below mean?
INRI was the Latin inscription over Jesus's cross.
What style of cross is depicted below?
Cross of Jerusalem
What do the three steps leading to the cross in the following image represent?
Faith, hope, and charity
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
Chi and Rho are the first two letters of Christ superimposed upon one another.
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
The Tongues of Flame represent the Holy Spirit as an allusion to the passage from Acts in which these appeared above the heads of the disciples.
In Christianity, what does the image below symbolize?
The pilgrim symbol for St. James of Compostella - He used a shell to beg for food and water during his pilgrimage because even the poorest person could fill it to help out.