True or False: Bearded dragons have teeth.
Bearded dragons mostly eat:
Bearded dragons typically turn their beard black when they are ____.
Bearded dragons have this to pull in their prey in order to eat.
Sticky saliva
Bearded dragons have these to frighten predators.
____ is/are a very important secondary food for their diet.
Bearded dragons puff up their beards when they ___.
Feel threatened
Bearded dragons have this to see above them.
Third eye
Bearded dragon's backs are very rough in order to:
Protect their organs
Bearded dragons also eat ____ every couple of days.
Bearded dragons ______ when they see another bearded dragon to show dominance.
Bob their heads up and down
Bearded dragons come in many different ____
Their claws are very sharp, in order to:
Climb on rocks
True or False: Bearded dragons will not fight for their food; if another dragon is eating, they will leave each other be
Bearded dragons turn to their side quickly, in order to ____.
Protect their organs
Their jaws are very firm, in order to:
Chew on hard bones of other animals
Bearded dragons do not need a lot of ____.
Bearded dragons open their mouths when they feel threatened, in order to ____.
Show off their sharp teeth