This is the TV show where the saying "Treat Yo Self" originated from
What is Parks and Recreation?
This type of candy wants you to "taste the rainbow"
What are Skittles?
Annual concert held in the Spring of each year
What is Sammypalooza?
What is The Lone Star State?
State of matter where atoms are most tightly packed
What is a solid?
This is the town in which The Office takes place
What is Scranton, PA?
This is what witches use to fly around on
What is a broomstick?
An annual ceremony hosted by the Orange Keys the honors the lives of the fallen students, faculty and staff who have died within the previous year
What is Raven's call?
This city in Texas is the world's largest inland port
What is Laredo?
Planet that has the most moons
What is Jupiter?
This is the name of the school newspaper on Riverdale
What is The Blue and Gold?
Halloween was brought to America from this region
What is Europe?
Award winning student newspaper of Sam Houston State
What is The Houstonian?
Who is Beyoncé?
General water temperature that hurricanes form over
What is warm water?
This TV series showed the first interracial kiss on American network television
What is Star Trek?
Catholic holiday that Halloween is linked to
What is All Saint's Day?
This individual served as the University's 9th President from 1970 until his retirement in 1989
Who is Elliott T. Bowers?
Texas is well-known for their Tex-Mex food, but they are also infamous for this style of food
What is barbeque?
The most famous animal species studied by Charles Darwin
What is the Finch?
Referred to as "McDreamy" on the TV show Greys Anatomy
Who is Derek Shepard (Patrick Dempsey)?
The fear of Halloween
What is samhainophobia?
Monthly discussion facilitated by the diversity Council where students receive free lunch and participate in stimulating conversation regarding diversity and inclusion
What is Chat and Chew?
Various flags have flown over Texas. Name three of the six that inspired the name of the amusement park
What are Spain, France, Mexico, The Republic of Texas, The United States, and the Confederacy flags
Prefix that means “rain” when added to a clouds name
What is Nimbus?