Poor in spirit
Fill in the blank

The first beatitude, "Blessed are the poor in spirit," highlights the importance of this attitude, which reflects dependence on God, not self-reliance.

What is humility?


The second beatitude, "Blessed are those who mourn," speaks to mourning over this, not just the loss of a loved one.

What is sin and its consequences?


"Blessed are the __________, For theirs is the _____. Blessed are those who ____, For they shall be _____." Matthew 5:3-4

poor in spirit, kingdom of Heaven, mourn, comforted


Being "poor in spirit" would reap which reward?

What is the kingdom of Heaven?


This passage from 2 Corinthians 7:10 teaches that godly sorrow over sin leads to this, which brings salvation.

What is repentance?


"For godly sorrow produces _______ leading to _______, but the sorrow of the world produces _______." 2 Corinthians 7:10

repentance, salvation, and death


What were the Israelites expecting of the messiah

What is a mighty king to rule the earth?

The mourning Jesus refers to in the second beatitude leads to this, where those who mourn receive comfort and forgiveness from God.

What is receiving Christ’s forgiveness or comfort?


"Then Judas, His _____, seeing that He had been _______, was _______ and brought back the ___ pieces of silver." Matthew 27:3

betrayer, condemned, remorseful, thirty


According to the lesson, "poor in spirit" is not about feeling worthless or depressed, but about this attitude toward God.

What is recognizing one's dependence on God?


In the lesson, this biblical figure is used as an example of someone who mourned his sin of denying Jesus, weeping bitterly and eventually finding restoration.

Who is Saint Peter?


"And ____ remembered the word of Jesus who had said to him, 'Before the rooster crows, you will _______ Me _______ times.' So, he went out and _______ bitterly." Matthew 26:75:

Peter, deny, three, and wept


In the example of Saint Mary, seen in Luke 1:46-49, she expresses this attitude, humbling herself before God in acknowledgment of His greatness.

What is spiritual poverty or humility?


According to Matthew 27:3, this individual mourned after betraying Jesus, but his mourning led to despair, contrasting with the hope and restoration seen in true repentance.

Who is Judas?


“And ___ said: “My ___ magnifies the ___, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my ___. For He has regarded the lowly state of His ________; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me _____. For He who is ____ has done great things for me And holy is His name.” ____ 1:__-49

Mary, soul, Lord, saviour, maidservant, blessed, mighty, Luke, 46
