to have fun
to have a good time
to connect your phone to electricity so that the battery is full again
to charge your phone
a signature of a famous person
to take part in a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge
to do a quiz
to look for something e.g. on google
to do a search
to make a short high sound
to play a game (often) using dice and small pieces that are moved around
to play a board game
when your phone is not working because it is not charged
the battery is dead
to organize something in advance
to watch a series of movies one after another
to have a movie marathon
when you can't save any more information on your phone because there's no space
run out of memory
to try something
to give something a go
to spend the night at the house of a friend
to have a sleepover
when your phone has reception
get a signal
look at something/somebody for a long time