The day Becca was born!
What is September 9th, 2000?
The name of Sam and Bec's dog!
What is Athena? (Tina/Teenies/etc.)
The date of Bec and Sam's wedding!
What is April 12th, 2025?
The soccer team Bec follows!
What is Orlando Pride?
The number of bridemaids in Becca's party!
What is four bridesmaids?
The first sport Becca got injured playing!
What is soccer?
Bec and Sam's wedding colors!
What are lilac and sage?
The name of the two colleges Becca attended!
What is Husson University and UMass Lowell?
The sport Maya and Bec played when they met!
What is soccer?
The name of Becca's favorite childhood stuffed animal!
Who is Pony?
The date Bec and Sam got engaged!
What is February 14th, 2023?
What is preschool?
The town Bec was born in!
The date Bec and Sam started dating!
What is December 9th, 2020?
The animals that live at the wedding venue!
What are donkeys?
The name of Grace's cat!
Who is Itty Bitty?
The place/way that Sam and Bec met!
What is a dating app?
The place Bec got her first job?
What is Josh's Toys and Games?
The number of degrees Riley has!
What is 3 degrees? (working on the 4th!)