How many things help us pay attention while becoming a good listener?
Why do you need self-control when having a conversation?
What are the 3 numbers to the breathing strategy?
There are ______(number) things that help us become a better listener.
Which student is now part of the tesla technology?
Ben K
Focus, Eye Contact, Body Language.
Can you have a conversation with yourself?
To the best of our ability we want to avoid ____________ when having a conversation.
Little E loves which kind of cookie?
Chocolate Chip
How do you show someone you are paying attention to them when they are talking?
Body Language, facing them.
Understanding Empathy is being
Non-judgemental, Showing Validation, and seeing the perspective
What shapes are used in breathing strategies
Box, Figure 8
People don't like to have conversations with people who don't let others
What does Miguel think Lucas favorite band is?
The construction zone!
Paying Attention to the conversation and who is speaking and limiting the distractions
Perspective is important to help you understand?
The person emotions behind the conversation
Why do we need to work on our breathing?
To slow our heart rate down and help us handle our emotions.
What was number 5?
Which word did Miguel spell incorrectly yesterday in class?
Conneting - Connecting
Eye Contact shows...
What is the reason to for paraphrasing?
What breathing strategy moves your arms?
Balloon Breathing or Rainbow Breathing
Why is Truth is the distraction category?
Because we have to acknowledge the truth of us being a distraction or being easily distracted.
Courtney's dog Charlie, swallowed a...