"you can walk into rooms, command people and get them to listen to you and your great ideas"
Who said this quote about public speaking and the role it had in their success?
Warren Buffet
What are 4 tips you can use when speaking in public?
1. Draw on conversational skills
2. Draw on skills in composition
3. Develop an effective oral style
4. Demonstrate respect for difference
Public speaking is one of four categories of human communication, what are the other categories?
Dyadic, small group, mass communication
Historically, the practice of public speaking was known as 2 different categories
Rhetoric & Oratory
What are 3 ways public speaking can benefit in being a vital life skill?
1. Advance your professional goals
2. Enhance your career as a student
3. Find new opportunities for civic engagement
What are the 3 critical steps when adjusting to create a speech?
1. Audience
2. Topic
3. Occasion
What is dyadic communication?
happens between two people, as in a conversation
This place was where Athenians routinely spoke with great skill on the issues of public policy
Talk about climate change, immigration reform and gun violence are all examples of what type of issues?
Effective public speakers share this important quality
they keep their focus on offering something of value to their audience
public speaking can be considered as an interactive communication process, what 5 elements are present in this process?
source, receiver, message, channel and shared meaning
what is the 5 step process of preparing a speech?, sometimes called the canons of rhetoric
1. Inventory
2. Arrangement
3. Style
4. Memory
5. Delivery
What is the most important skill to have as an employee?
Communication skills
address audiences with sensitivity and demonstrate respect for differences in culture and identity
What are 2 other factors that are critical when preparing and delivering a speech, with a shared meaning?
Context & Goals
This term denotes a variety of venues for discussion of issues of public interest, such as townhalls, and the romans also used this term...
Public Forum