Building Your Brand
Elevator Pitches
College Corps

This document is created to outline your roles, skills, and achievements.

What is a resume?


This word refers to the visual representation of your brand, which may include a logo, color scheme, or consistent style.

What is branding?


How long should an elevator pitch be?

What is 30 seconds to 1 minute.


True or False: An interview is always for the interviewer to see if they like you. And never for the interviewee to see if they like the role or company.

What is... False


How many hours do you have to complete by the end of the academic year?

What is 450 hours?


This section of your resume lists your name, email or phone number, and sometimes a LinkedIn profile.

What is the contact information section?


This is the unique set of skills, experiences, and personality traits that define how others see you professionally.

What is a personal brand?


What is the first thing you should do when you start your elevator pitch?

What is.. Your preferred name.


An interviewer finishes all the questions they have for you, what should you do… 

a) you should say thank you and leave 

b) you should ask them thoughtful questions 

c) walk out of the interview

What is... b) you should ask them thoughtful questions


What is the minimum number of training hours you must complete?

What is 40 hours?


This should be tailored to match the job description and typically appears under each job listing on your resume.

What are bullet points or job responsibilities?


This platform is often used by professionals to showcase their brand through a digital resume, posts, and networking.

What is LinkedIn?


True or False: It is okay to use the same elevator pitch for every situation?

False, you should adjust your elevator pitch to the person you are talking to and their respective career field.


This is the first thing you should research before attending an interview.

What is... the company


When will you be meeting the community partners?

What is.. August 30th! At the Community Match Event.


When listing your education on a resume, this is the numerical value if it's above a 3.0.

What is a GPA?


Your brand should reflect these two essential components, which are your professional skills and personal characteristics otherwise known as?

Hint: There are 2 words; One of them is a synonym for knowledge

What are expertise and values?


Which of these should you avoid in an elevator pitch?
A) speaking with confidence
B) including your relevant background
C) using filler words such as "like", "um" or "uh"

Option C) using filler words such as "like", "um" or "uh"


Which of the following is NOT a common interview mistake? 

a) not making eye contact 

b) speaking negatively about a previous employer 

c) not giving specific examples when asked about their experience 

d) shaking the interviewers hands or doing an elbow bump

What is... d) shaking the interviewers hands or doing an elbow bump


What is the third party platform that College Corps uses to upload additional information?

What is Basecamp?


Including this section can demonstrate that you possess skills outside of your work history, such as leadership, community service, or volunteer experience.

What is the "Extracurricular Activities" or "Volunteer Work" section?


This strategy helps individuals connect their personal brand to their desired industry or market, making them more recognizable as an expert.

What is targeting a specific audience?


What should you do if you have extra time during your elevator pitch?

Request a follow up with the person (LinkedIn, In-person or email)


What should you do within 24 hours after an interview?

What is... Email a thank you or write a thank you note


How many College Corps Programs are across the state of California?

What is 46?
