When you receive word there is a grant to potentially pursue within your area of ministry, this is the email address you'll send an email to so that everyone on the grant writing team receives it.
What is grantwriting@lifeline.org?
This is who you reach out to when you want to begin conversation about conducting a survey within your area of ministry to measure outcomes.
Who is the grant writing team?
This grant team member is extremely humble, puts her whole heart into loving others and is the leader of the grant writing team.
Who is Deena?
The amount of meals packed at Lifeline in one year.
What is output?
The million meal pack happening right now is providing meals to be distributed for these 2 countries.
What is Kenya & Haiti?
This is who primarily develops a new program while the grant writing team walks alongside them to pursue a grant.
Who are the field leaders?
This is what we have named our meetings together, to help better communicate the purpose of our time together.
What is Becoming Grant Ready?
This team member is a great question asker, loves processes and procedures, has taken the Columbus Centre to a whole new level and loves people beyond words!
Who is Carrie?
A decrease in the occurrences of malnourishment in the community.
What is outcome?
These are the 5 causes of Lifeline.
What is churches, youth, health & nutrition, economic empowerment & mobilization?
A baseline study uses surveys and interviews to help measure this, which is an expectation in an objective.
What is outcome?
One of the goals throughout our time together is to empower one another with knowledge to be implemented into existing and future programs within Lifeline that will continue to align programs more complimentary to this.
What is CHE?
This team member is a gifted connector, is wonderfully direct, a go-getter and is blowing expectations away in Charlotte.
Who is Hollie?
The number of patients seen in the clinic.
What is output?
This is what I mentioned earlier you'll receive in your inbox this afternoon from me.
What is a survey?
What is a survey?
When coming alongside the grant writing team to pursue a grant in your area, you'll keep us focused on the "30,000 foot view purpose", the grant writing team will "execute in the 3 foot view" and we will meet in the "14,000 foot view" to work together on this.
What is the strategy? ('the what' or priorities)
This team member is the quickest to respond to emails, has worked hard to get Lexington up and running and although she doesn't say much, when she does speak her words are full of kindness and encouragement.
Who is Candy?
The measurable expectation in an objective.
What is outcome?
This is Lifeline's vision.
The 20+ page document that is submitted to an organization in hopes that they’ll fund our program?
What is the PPF?
I couldn't think of a great question to go here, so whoever chose this answer automatically receives 500 points.
What is 'that doesn't sound fair Cheri! What kind of Jeopardy are we playing?!'
This team member is the newest, has a beautiful contagious laugh, is filled with grace and people skills, and munches on lunch throughout our meetings since she's now eating for 2.
Who is AJ?
The measurable units of work, service or product produced.
What is output?
This is what OTVDT stands for, which is the program the grant team is currently working on with the Honduras leaders.
What is Ocotillo Technical Vocational Discipleship Training?