What happens to bees after they sting you?
They die
Can you name 1 type of bee?
what are they 3 different kinds of bees?
There are worker, drone and queen bees, these bees all have different jobs to help out in the colony
What does the queen do to help its colony?
Queen bees lay the eggs
How many stages are in a bees life?
Do bees wanna sting you?
Do all bees have the same life span?
What is the queens job?
The queen bees job is to lay the eggs in the hive
What does a worker be do to help its colony?
worker bees collect pollen and nectar to feed the young
How many eggs can a queen bee lay?
2000 to 3000 eggs a day in a honeycomb
Why do bees sting you?
To defend their colony
Do bees survive longer during winter?
What gender is the drone bee?
Name 1 dance that bees do to work together?
Waggle/Round a bee
What are the 4 stages of a bees life?
ggs, larva, pupa and adults
how can you avoid a bee stinging you?
don't make it mad
What are the 3 main bees per colony?
The Worker bee the Drone bee and the Queen bee
What is the purpose of the drone bee?
The only purpose of the drone bee is to work together with the queen.
How does the drone bee help the hive?
drone bees fertilize the eggs
how much time does it take for a queen bee to be born?
16 days
what gender bees can sting you?
only female
What is the lifespan of a queen worker and drone?
Worker bee is 2 to 6 weeks
Queen bee is 1-2years
Drone bee a Month
What does the worker bee do?
Worker bees are all female, without worker bees there would be no one to care for the queen. Worker bees also produce honey or pollinate flowers
What dance does the worker bee do if pollen/nectar is near by?
The waggle and round a bee dance
What is the difference when a egg is fertile with a egg that not fertile?
It effect its gender