Place where students eat breakfast before school
the cafeteria
You may arrive at school after this time on Tuesday - Friday.
7:40 am
Students that are eating school food or food brought from home need to be in this space before school.
the cafeteria
Ms. Kendall's favorite food.
Mrs. Ott's favorite type of food.
Chinese food (...or chimichangas)
Outside locations students can go before 8:00 AM
playground and green space
Time the doors to the building unlock on late start Monday.
9:10 am
If students are not riding a bus after school they should ...
leave school property or report to assigned practice areas
Ms. Kendall's cat has this name.
Mrs. Ott's cat has this name.
What door opens for students at 7:40 AM?
NW main door
NE bus/playground door
Students that walk and bike home need to leave the playground space by this time.
3:40 pm
Students may stay after school in the building if they
complete work with a teacher
Ms. Kendall already loves purple and gold because she attended this school.
State Mrs. Ott traveled to this summer.
New York for the Jimmy Awards
Students are allowed to be here with a signed pass.
in a teacher's classroom
Students need to get a pass from the office if they arrive after the doors lock at this time.
8:10 am
Before school in the gym students are allowed
talk quietly with friends or be on chromebooks
Ms. Kendall enjoys playing this sport.
Activity Mrs. Ott enjoys in the summer if she has free time.
favorite book from this summer: The Women
Place you can be for quiet reading or homework before school
the library
You can be in the gym sitting and talking with friends at this time.
7:40-8:00 am
Students need this to play gaga ball during school property hours 7:40-3:40
PERMISSION from a playground supervisor
Ms. Kendall's favorite dessert.
ice cream
Mrs. Ott's favorite dessert
anything chocolate!