Can you name three consecutive days
without using the words
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
Who won the NBA Championship three years ago
Golden State Warriors
**Double Jeopardy**
What candy bar was named after a family's horse?
How many legs does a lobster have?
10 (8 walking legs and 2 larger claw legs)
What cartoon features a team of superheroes that includes Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, and Raven?
Teen Titans
Yesterday was Sunday, what day is it today?
Who it the coach of the Golden State Warriors
Steven Kerr
What candy's motto is "Taste the Rainbow"?
Which planet is closest to Earth?
What blue-skinned cartoon characters took North America by storm?
The Smurfs
** Double Jeopardy**
Yesterday was Monday, What day is tomorrow ?
** Double Jeopardy **
Who was the MVP in 2017
Kevin Durant
What temperature should you not exceed when melting chocolate? ( in Fahrenheit)
120 Degrees Fahrenheit
How big is the diameter of a basketball hoop?
15 , 16 , 17, 18 inches
18 inches
Which SpongeBob Squarepants character is always trying to steal Mr. Krabs' secret formula for Krabby Patties?
One knight, a pregnant lady, and a doctor walk into a hospital, the next morning three people walk out, who was the third person?
The Knight
True or Flase, It's the first time in Franchise History that the Raptors won the NBA title
What candy comes in refillable dispensers with characters on top?
What is the name of the marshmallow Easter treats that come in the shape of birds and bunnies?
What is the name of the yellow bird in the movie Angry Birds ?
If yesterday is Friday, then what will be the day after tomorrow?
If yesterday was Friday, then today is Saturday, tomorrow will be Sunday and the day after tomorrow will be Monday.
Who led the nba in points during the 2020 playoffs?
Jimmy Butler
A Hershey's "Kiss" mixed with white chocolate is called? ( its a name)
A Hug
What is the most popular colour of car?
White, Red, Black, Silver
What is the name of the largest red bird?