She like learning English language
She likes learning English language
Men ertaga sport bilan shug'ullanishim mumkin
I may do sports tomorrow
qila olmasdi/qila olmadi
Present simple
S+Verb s/es
You needn't to bring some juice. We have a lot in our fridge.
You needn't bring some juice. We have a lot in our fridge.
yurak huruji
heart attack
Kechirasiz, soatni aytib yubora olasizmi?
Excuse me, can you tell the time?
Qilishi shartmas
Don't have to/don't need to/needn't
Present continuous structure and one sentence
S+to be+ Verb ing
In Uzbekistan has a lot of parks, schools and workplaces.
There are a lot of parks, schools and workplaces in Uzbekistan.
menda bosh og'rig'i bor
I have a headache
Qimasligi shart
Future simple structure and one sentence
S+will verb
Jony played the computer when I was playing the phone.
Jony was playing the computer when I was playing the phone.
Kimgadir kimidir ismini qo'yish
call after
Singlim kecha kasalxonada aksirdi
My sister sneezed at hospital yesterday
Qimasligi kerak
Future continuous structure and one sentence
S+ will be Verb ing
There were a boy, 2 girls and 3 cats outside my house in the evening yesterday.
There was a boy, 2 girls and 3 cats outside my house in the evening yesterday.
o'rtacha ko'rinishli
average looking
Do'stim hozir sumka ko'tarib ketyabdi
my sister is carrying a bag now
Qilishiga to'g'ri keldi/majbur bo'ldi o'tmishda
had to
Past simple and past continuous structures and one sentence
S+ Verb 2/ed