Verbs Beg.1, THIS/THAT
Pronouns, Possessives, Numbers
Simple Present
Question words, Gerunds, Conversation
Can, Cannot

How do we use the verb TO BE in English?

Example: We use the verb To Be for a job. => I am a teacher.

Give more examples!

We use the verb TO BE for:

-names, age, jobs, location, feelings/emotions, nationality, descriptions (age, size...).


What are Subject Pronouns in English?

They are the subject of a sentence, so before the main verb.

 I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They + verb


Explain the use(s) of Simple Present in English. Why and when do we use this conjugation? 

We use Simple present for:

-facts; I am a human. I have short hair. She has two children.

-routines/habits: Every day, I go to school. She sometimes plays soccer.

-permanent descriptions: I am a man. She is a teacher. They live in Canada (permanent residents).


What are Question Words in English? Can you give some examples.

Example: Who => a person

Who, where, what, when, why, how, how much, how many, which, whose.


What is "can"? What does it mean in English?

It is an ability, mental or physical, in the present.

Examples: I can drive. She can speak French.


Use the verb To Be in the Simple Present to fill in the blanks:

My name _____ Nancy and I ____ a nurse.

My name IS Nancy and I AM a nurse.


Is this sentence correct:

My husband and me travel to Europe.

No. My husband and I* travel to Europe (subject).


Why do we have Simple Present AND Present Progressive in English to describe the present moment? What are the differences?

Simple Present represents facts, routines, habits. Present Progressive/Continuous represents actions 'at the moment', 'right now', 'currently'. They are in progress at the moment, temporary. 


What is a Gerund? 

Then, answer the question: What do you like doing on the weekend?

A Gerund comes from a verb and ends with "-ing". It represents a NOUN, a sport, an activity, a hobby.

Examples: On the weekend, I like relaxing. I like cooking.


Conjugate positively and negatively with CAN:

She ________ (go) to the store.

We ________ (travel) to Mexico.

I _______ (eat) with chopsticks.

Conjugate positively and negatively with CAN:

She CAN GO/CANNOT/CAN'T GO (go) to the store.


I CAN EAT/CANNOT/CAN'T EAT (eat) with chopsticks.


What is the Simple present NEGATIVE of the verb TO BE for all subjects? (Three forms!)

To Be:

I am not/I'm not

You are not/You're not/You aren't

She/He/It is not/isn't

We are not/You're not/You aren't

You are not/You're not/You aren't

They are not/You're not/You aren't


What are Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives in English?

Example: I => my ___, mine...

We use them to talk about Possession(s).

This is my car. => This is mine. (my car)

This is her car. => This is hers. (her car)

My... mine / Your... yours / His... his / Her... hers / Its...*never alone*/ Your... yours / Our... ours / Their... Theirs.


Conjugate the following sentences in the Simple Present OR the Present Progressive:

He _____ (have) a car and she _____ (have) a bicycle. Right now, she ___________ (use) her bicycle and he __________ (drive) his car.

He HAS a car and she HAS a bicycle. Right now, she IS USING (use) her bicycle and he IS DRIVING (drive) his car. 


Fill in the blanks with a question word:

1- ____ do you live?

2- ____ are you feeling today?

3- ____ do you have an English class?

Fill in the blanks with a question word:

1- WHERE do you live?

2- HOW are you feeling today?

3- WHEN do you have an English class?


What does it mean if a person says, "I cannot speak Spanish."

Is there something that you cannot do?

Cannot, can't = inability, impossible, mentally or physically impossible.

I cannot/can't run a marathon. She can't write in Chinese.



THIS = singular, close

THAT = singular, far away

THESE = plural, close

THOSE = plural, far away


Please read these numbers out loud:


19, 457

17, 70


1965 = nineteen sixty-five (year)

19, 457 - nineteen thousand four hundred fifty-seven

17, 70 = seventeen, seventy

14th = fourteenth 

Conjugate with Simple Present:

1- She ____ (go) to school every day

2- They _____ (not play) soccer.

3- He ______ (be) happy.

4- He ______ (not study) on the weekend.

1- She GOES (go) to school every day

2- They DON'T PLAY (not play) soccer.

3- He IS (be) happy.

4- He DOESN'T STUDY (not study) on the weekend.


What are 5 things you can do to practice your English outside of class?

I can... watch tv in English, books..., I can go for an immersion, I can...


What are some things that you can do on vacation in the south? What can you bring with you?

I can swim, we can go snorkeling, I can relax on the beach.

I can bring a book. I can bring a computer. I can bring my swimsuit. 


Fill in the blanks with THIS-THAT-THESE-THOSE:

1- _____ people outside are my friends.

2- _____ cat next to me is orange.

3- _____ dog next to you is black.

1- THOSE people outside are my friends.

2- THIS cat next to me is orange.

3- THAT dog next to you is black.


What time is it? Please read the current time, and the examples below.

1) _______ (current time)

2) 12:45 pm

3) 3:20 pm

4) 7:05 am

1) _______ (current time)

2) 12:45 pm => twelve forty-five (pm) or a quarter to one

3) 3:20 pm => three twenty (pm) or twenty past three

4) 7:05 am => seven oh five or five past seven


Are these sentences, or questions, correct?

1-Do she have a car?

2- They are play hockey.

3- Does he has a house?

4- Does she be a teacher?

5- He haves two dogs.

Are these sentences, or questions, correct?

1-Do she have a car? => DOES she have a car?

2- They are play hockey. => They PLAY hockey. or They are playing* hockey.

3- Does he has a house? => Does he HAVE a house?

4- Does she be a teacher? => IS she a teacher?

5- He haves two dogs. => He HAS two dogs.


Answer the questions:

Why do you study English?

What are you doing after the class?

Why do you study English? = I study English because...

What are you doing after the class? = I am going to bed... I am going home...


Put these words in the correct order to make a question:

do / do / What / you / to practice English / class / outside / of / ?

What do you do to practice English outside of class?
