Men yorqin kiyimlar sotib olishim kerak
i need to buy bright coloured clothes
In Korea don't have any horse races
There aren’t any horse races in Korea
There to be va have/has farqi
There to be - joylarga keladi
have/has odamlarga
Men nolovoyga borish maqsadida formamni kiydim
i put on my uniform in order to go to nursery school
Might you open the window, please?
May you open the window, please?
comparative and superlative degrees?
Good-better-the best
Bad-worse-the worst
Far-farther/further-the farthest/the furthest
Sen odatiy kiyimlar kiyib ko'rishing shartmas
You don't need to try on casual clothes
qoyaga tirmashib chiqish
rock climbing
men hech qaysi fanda yaxshi emasman lekin psixologiyaga qiziqaman
I am not good at any subject but I am interested in psychology
Our lesson was very bored
Our lesson was very boring
How do we express ,,maqsad"?
In order to Verb
To Verb
For noun
Clothes mavzusidan
Fit va suit verblari farqi?
Fit razmeri mos tushishi
Suit ko'rinishi yarashib turishi
Qo'shnilarim ilmiy to'qima kino uchun kinoteatrga borishmoqchi
My neighbours are going to go to the cinema for a horror film
She wants to put on fashionably clothes
She wants to put on fashionable clothes
,,Ning" ingliz tilida qanday ifodalaniladi?
Of narsalarga. roof of house
'S birlikdagi shaxlarga my sister's dog
' ko'plikdagi shaxslarga. My sisters' dog
Mening maktabim uyimdan uzoqda joylashgan va men maktabga vertalyotda boraman
my school is located far from my house and i go to school by helicopter
U ko'prikdan ehtiyotkorlik bilan o'tdi
She went over the bridge carefully
I am exciting of travelling abroad
I am excited of travelling abroad
What is the difference between adjective and adverb?
Adjective is used with nouns or state verbs
Adverb is used with action verbs
Ingliz tilida qiziqmoq qanday ifodalaniladi? 3ta yoli
I am interested in
I am really into
I am fond of