This word means "way out" and describes a major event in Israel's history.
What is the Exodus?
The angel told Joseph to go here to preserve Jesus' life.
Where is Egypt?
He was Jacob's hairy brother.
Who is Esau?
The Samaritans worshiped on this mountain.
This word describes the first 5 books of the Bible and means guidance, instruction or law.
What is the Torah?
This Greek word means "foolish" and is used several times by Paul.
What is "moron"?
Jacob had a vision of a ladder with angels ascending and descending in this place.
Where is Bethel?
Seth's two brothers.
Who were Cain and Abel?
David's palace was made of cedars from this country.
What is Lebanon?
The first word in Hebrew of "Hear O Israel, the Lord is God."
What is the Shema?
This English word derives from the Greek word for "messenger."
What is an angel?
Today, Israelis call it the "salt sea"--but in English we call it by this name.
What is the Dead Sea?
This sister of Rachael's had "weak eyes."
Who was Leah?
Paul debated the philosophers in this Greek city.
What is Athens?
Jesus' name in Hebrew
What is Yeshua?
This greek word is the highest form of love, shown to us by God.
What is agape?
Jesus asked Peter "who do you say that I am" in this place.
What is Caesaria Philippi?
Moses was accompanied in the wilderness by these two siblings.
Who are Aaron and Miriam?
Jesus was raised in this village?
What is Nazareth?
The name of God revealed to Moses at the burning bush?
What is YHWH?
What is Jehovah?
This Greek word means "beginning" and is the name of a book of the Bible.
What is Genesis?
Paul had his conversion vision on the road to what city?
What is Damascus?
Who is Peter?
Ruth came from this country.
What is Moab?
It means "God with us."
What is Immanuel?