What do MHR eat?
They are scavengers-also called detritivores which means they eat dead organic material especially plant material
What is the name of our musk turtle
Where do Box turtles live land or water?
What kind of animal is a tiger salamander
Go to Conservation message for MHR
Learn more about them, they aren't as scary as you think!
They are decomposers, without them we would be wading around in trash!
Where do MHR live?
They live in Madagascar
How long do musk turtles live?
30-50 years in the wild/zoos
average turtle answer is 50-70 years
What are the differences between turtles and tortoises? (4)
1. Tortoises live on land, Turtles live in the water (except for box turtle)
2. Diet most Tortoises are herbivores and most Turtles are Omnivores
3. Flippers vs. Feet
4. Shells turtles have flat shells to help with water, tortoises have a round shell like a rock
What do they eat
they are opportunistic eaters or omnivores
Tony loves crickets and meal worms
Conservation message for Musk Turtle/Box Turtle
Make sure you do your research before getting a pet these animals can live 50-70 years!
If you are trying to help a turtle cross a road you are pointing it in the right direction... turtles are on a mission and will turn around if you point them to opposite direction!
Don't feed wildlife! Our yummies are no good for their tummies!
What is the purpose of this animal in the ecosystem?
They are nature's recyclers-Decomposers!
What do musk turtles eat
They eat all things
so they are omnivores
they'll eat meal worms, eggs, grass, veggies
What are the two types of Box Turtles we have
What are the differences between them?
Range- Gulf Coast Box turtle range is TX to NC
GC tend to be larger and Ornate box turtle have a more decorative shell
Ornate range is Texas up to Kansas and a little over to Mexico
Why do Tiger Salamanders have yellow on their body
to tell predators that they are toxic or they don't taste very good. Red, orange and yellow are warning signs that predators shouldn't eat them or they'll get a stomach ache.
Conservation Message for TS
Responsible Pet Ownership
They are declining in the wild, learn more on ways you can help!
What is MHR biggest mammal predator?
Is our musk turtle fully grown?
Webster is the average size of a fully grown male musk turtle, females, on average, do grown larger than males
Name all of the box turtles in our collection and how to tell them apart
Nebraska-Ornate box turtle
Sherman-the largest and lives alone
P- has a dent in the shell
J- is bigger than P
Are TS good pets/do we recommend them as pets to our guests?
TS are listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN list. Globally, all amphibians are declining in numbers
This is because they are bio-indicators
I am an animal that really like chomping down on jellies but sometimes I accidentally eat plastic bags? What am I? What is a good conservation message to tell guests on how to help me?
If you use reuseable grocery bags that will limit the amount of plastic bags that enter the ocean!
Explain in detail why this animal would hiss (3)
For communication:
to ward off predators
to attract a mate
to defend its territory from other males
What are the top and bottom parts of the shell called
How can you tell males and females apart for box turtles?
Eye color
Bright orange/yellowish is a male
Brown/black is a female
Turtle Shell
If the bottom of the turtle shell curves inward it is a male
If the bottom is flat it is a female
males have V at the end of their shell
females have a U
4 different ways that amphibians can breathe
1. Gills
2. Throat palpation
3. through skin
4. Lungs
Conservation message for ALL animals and ALL humans at the aquarium
How can we help?