men hozir shaxmat o'ynayabman
I am playing chess right now
find plural forms of:
man, woman, sportsman, child, person, foot
men , women, sportsmen, children, people, feet
men ingliz tilini o'qishga kirish maqsadida o'rganyabman
i am learning english in order to enter university
Sallyda telefon, ish va do'stlar bor
sally has a phone, work and friends
Are you sad?
men ilmiy to'qima kinolar tomosha qilmayman
i don't watch science-fiction movies
Bahodir fast food yeydimi?
Does Bahodir eat fast food?
famous for
renowned for
well-known for
G'ozalr hozirgi kunlarda o't yeyishmayabdi
Nowadays geese aren't eating grass
rural area, village, countryside
city, town, urban area
Qiz bola jiyanim ta'lim tashkilotida ishlamaydi
My sister doesn't work at an educational institution
Present simple, continuous, there is/are, have has structures
Nega biz har oy yangi uy sotib olamiz?
Why do we buy a new house every month?
present simple and continous key words
Men qoyaga tirmashib chiqishni yomon ko'raman.
I don't like rock climbing
urmoq, ajrashmoq, munosabat, homilador, nazorat qilmoq
beat, divorce, relationship, pregnant, control
U hozir koptok uloqtirmayabdi, ammo uni ushlab olyabdi
he isn't throwing a ball now but he is catching it
Samarqandda ko'plab tarixiy joylar bor
There are a lot of historical places in Samarkand
fuqaro, hamshira, a'zo, bog'cha, ishxona
resident, nurse, member, kindergarden, workplace
In my school have a large garden with lots of trees
there is a large garden with lots of trees in my school
Sportchi ayollar va erkaklar har yili musobaqada ishtirok etishmaydi
Sportswomen and men don't participate in a competition every year
There is a lot of parks, gyms and educational centers in my hometown.
there are a lot of parks, gyms and educational centers in my hometown
Do'stlaring bilan qayerda futbol o'ynayabsan?
where are you playing football with your friends?
Shaxmat qiyin o'yin
chess is a difficult game