What is the poll?
A horse that is brown with a black mane and tail.
What is a bay?
This breed is known for racing.
What is a thoroughbred?
These are the two base disciplines.
What are western and english?
This discipline is known for doing fancy movements at the walk, trot, and canter.
What is dressage?
Horse's cannot see in these two areas.
What is directly in front and directly behind?
A horse that is brown with a brown mane and tail.
What is a chestnut?
This breed is known for being the traditional cowboy's horse.
What is the Quarter Horse?
This part of the saddle is only found on the pommel of the western saddle.
What is the horn?
This western discipline is known for running around obstacles in a triangle pattern.
What is barrel racing?
We measure a horse's height from this body part.
What are the withers?
A white horse has this color skin.
What is pink?
This breed is from the Netherlands.
What is the Friesian?
The name of the girth in the western world.
What is the cinch?
An adult female horse.
What is a mare?
This part of the body is equal to a human's thigh.
What is the gaskin?
A horse that is orange, yellow, or tan and has a black mane and tail.
What is a buckskin?
This breed is known for having curly tipped ears.
What is the Marwari?
The western saddle has this number of cinches.
What is two?
A horse needs these three things to survive.
What are hay, water, and sometimes grain?
These SIX parts on a horse's leg is located on all four legs.
What are the chestnut, cannon, fetlock, pastern, coronet band, and hoof?
A horse that has a dorsal stripe.
What is a dun?
The Andalusion is from this country.
What is Spain?
The english stirrup consists of these two parts.
What is the stirrup leather and the stirrup iron?
Eventing consists of these three disciplines.
What are dressage, show jumping, and cross country?