The bell dismisses me for the day. True or false
What is false
Two things to do after the transition bell after morning work.
What is turn in my morning work and line up for specialist.
I always put this on my desk before Bear Time
What is my literacy journal
I borrowed markers from the class container in the marker drawer. What should I do with them when I'm done?
What is put them back in the container in the marker drawer.
The slug's name.
What is Don't Bug Slug.
Name one expected behavior for the morning meeting.
What is (could include) hands to self, voices off, eyes looking at speaker, only bringing waterbottle
What I do when I enter the classroom after specialist.
What is meet in the morning meeting circle.
Where we line up before lunch and bear time.
What is hallway in front of boy's bathroom.
My pencil broke, and I need to write. However, Ms. V is talking. What should I do?
What is borrow a pencil from a friend, grab a new pencil from your bin, grab a new pencil from the sharpened pencil cup and put yours in the dull one.
This is what the small, circle stickers on the whiteboard are for.
What is to show that someone filled your bucket. Give them the sticker and tell them what they did.
The 7:45 am school bell cues you to do these two things.
What is turn off my voice and listen to the poem.
The three things I do after the transition bell rings before lunch
What is clean up my table, clean up the floor, and check that the classroom is clean.
Location to turn in papers.
What is in tray up front.
I walked into class after directions were given. I don't know what subject we're in and what I'm supposed to do. Give me three things I could do.
What is think with your eyes: look at the schedule and the time, look at the TV for directions, look at/ask other students for the task
Explorations time is also known as what subject.
What is social studies.
The four tasks you must complete in the morning.
What is lunch choice, morning work, read the board, find a seat
What I do when I enter the classroom after lunch.
What is meet in a huddle.
The acceptable time to grab a stuffed animal.
What is choice read/write.
The three R's stand for
What is Respect, Responsibility, Ready
The four P's in the correct order.
What is planner, put away items, place chair on table, and pick up classroom.
The number of times we will transition as an entire class with the chime.
What is four times (before specialist, before math, before lunch, before dismissal)
The book checkout and book return process in the classroom.
What is check out the book (name, date, book title), take good care of it, check the book back in by adding the return date, and put it back where it belongs.
The names of our two class pets.
What is Cyan and Bob.