You must fill out and submit a Google submission form with this
What is late work Google submission form?
When I am talking
What is students shouldn't be talking
Composition notebook, highlighters, pencils, and paper
What are needed supplies
World's End Unit
What is the unit we will study in N1
Before leaving the class for any reason, other than dismissal
What is signing in and out?
The side doors, outside, and classroom doors
What is do not prop under any circumstances
To avoid Plagiarism
What is citing sources
Star Crossed Romances
What is the unit we will study in N2
Located in the student center
What are absent work folders?
Drinking, Eating and Cell phones
What is prohibited (not allowed)
Submitted work that is not original
What is Plagiarism
The major work for N2
What is Romeo or Juliet
NEHS student handbook
Where will you find the cell phone policy?
Inappropriate language not welcome
What is in Mrs. Outlaw classroom
Must be turned in the next day
What is homework
The major work for N3
What is Animal Farm
Must be kept on your desk until you are dismissed
What is throwing away your trash
The amount of time you have to return to class before you can be written up
What is 10 minutes
Being respectful to others and different viewpoints
What are classroom expectations
The Focus on writing in N4
What is Research Writing