Check-out Procedures
Taking care of the library
Library class guideliness
Locating resources

How do I renew books?

Login to Destiny and look under 'My Stuff' or tell Ms. Kota

I like to wear hats and chew gum. Is it ok to wear my hat and chew gum in the library?
No hats or gum in the library, please.
Where are the pencil sharpeners I can use?
On the back of the post near the new books and graphic novels.
Where do I find supplies like pencils, scissors, paper, etc?
Pencils are in middle of table. Other supplies are on a cart in the supply closet. Please return supplies neatly after each class.
Where are the graphic novels and how many can I check out at one time?
They are by the new fiction books, and you may check out 1 at a time.

Only one of my books is late. May I still check out another one?

Yes, but if the other books is more than 2 weeks late, I have to return it before I get a second book.

I came to the library, but no one was there. What should I do?
Go back to class and come back another time.
When and where can I get a drink or use the restroom?
During checkout or in an emergency with permission. The restrooms are in either foyer on the sides of the library and the drinking fountain is in the south (kindergarten) foyer.
Where are the Young Reader's Choice and Sasquatch nominee books?
Over near the new fiction books and pencil sharpener in the fiction section.
Where do I turn in the papers I work on during library class?
In the bin marked with my classroom teacher's name.

How many books can I check out and how long can I keep them?

You may get up to 2 books, but please don’t check out more than you can read by the next library period. If you constantly have late books, your check out limit may be reduced.

My water bottle leaked and ruined my library book, or I found damage in the book. What do I do next?
Show the librarian or parent volunteer right away! We may be able to fix the book. If not, you will need to replace or pay for the book.
How do we earn points during library class?
By appropriate behavior during entry, exit, instruction time and checkout.
Where are the magazines and which ones can I check out?
The new magazines are on the rack in the non-fiction section. The ones that can be checked out are on the shelves under the window.
What is a Reader Leader?
Three students are chosen during learning time for their appropriate behavior. They may each choose one friend and they are the supervisors of the bean bag area.

I am returning my book before library time. Where do I turn it in?

Either in the bin in your classroom or on the return buckets on the circulation desk. When your classroom bin is getting full, please bring it to the library. If you come to the library to check out another book, bring the book you want to return. (Don't leave it in the bin!)

When it's not my class time, when may I come to the library to check out a book or use a computer?
Any time with the permission of your teacher and a hall pass. (Limit 3 students at a time unless pre-arranged.) If no one is in the library, go back to class.
What is considered appropriate use of the computers?
Staying on the library or teacher directed websites. No changes to desktop, screensavers, systems, etc. Violations will require computer privileges to be suspended.
Where are the Newbery and Caldecott books?
They are shelved in with all the books by their correct call number. Each book is marked with a sticker: Newbery-blue ribbon Caldecott-red ribbon
Is the library open for recess? Give answer and have team chose another square.
Before school on Mondays and Wednesdays and during afternoon recess on Mondays and Thursdays.

I can’t check out a book during library time. What’s okay to do while I’m waiting for the other kids to checkout?

Read on Epic or Sora

I took a book off the shelf, but I can't remember where it goes. What should I do?
Use the call number to return it to the correct spot or put it on one of the return carts next on each side of the checkout desk.
What are the appropriate voice levels in the library?
Level 1- person to person Level 2-person to table Level 3-person to group
How do I put a book on HOLD and where do I pick it up?
Fill out a slip with your name and title of book, and put it in the little bin on top of the counter in the fiction section. When the book comes in, we will put your book on the shelf below—it says “HOLDS”
What is the most important thing you can do that will help the library run efficiently and make Mrs. Pumputis very happy?
Bring back your books on time!!!!