The first note in the musical alphabet
This note gets 1 beat
quarter note.
This is the only string instrument in the orchestra that uses the alto clef to read notes.
The __________ belongs at the end of a piece to tell you it is finished.
Double bar
The Italian words for plucking.
There are ____ letters in the musical alphabet
This note gets 2 beats
half note
The highest voice of the string family.
The key of D has this many sharps
2 sharps (F# and C#)
This tells you what sharps and flats are in the song.
key signature
This is the 4th note of your D Major scale.
This kind of note gets 4 beats.
whole note
These instruments have an E string.
Violin and Double Bass
This clef sign is used for the cello and double bass.
bass clef
The symbol that cancels out a sharp or flat.
natural sign
This is the third note of your G Major scale.
This kind of note gets half of a beat
eighth note
These string instruments are usually played sitting down.
Cello and/or Double Bass
This kind of rest receives half of a beat
eighth rest
The upper number on a time signature tells you this.
how many beats are in a measure
Name the notes of the G major scale
This is the total value of 3 half notes.
6 beats
This instrument can also be called a "fiddle".
The key of C Major has this many sharps
0 sharps
This tells you how many beats in a measure and what kind of note gets one beat.
time signature